Chapter 2: Danger

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Batgirl woke up but she mostly felt agonizing pain in her head. It sucked. However, through the bandages she saw her father, Wonder Woman, and Supergirl having concerned faces.

"Batgirl! You okay!?" Supergirl cried.

"Ooh... Feel like a splitting headache..." Batgirl said.

Wonder Woman smiled but it was more of a sad frown. Batgirl remembered what happened and she did not say anything.

"Barbara..." Gordon put his hand on his daughter's shoulder.

"Dad..." Batgirl felt like crying.

"Barbara. This is taking too far. I need you to be an IT girl until I find a new school for you." Gordon decided. This shocked Wonder Woman and Supergirl.

"What!? You can't-" Supergirl tried to protest.

"No! This has gone very horrible! I saw my daughter getting hit by rotten tomatoes at first, but now it became rocks! I knew this will happen... I need you to stay in the hospital as an IT girl." Gordon screamed.

Batgirl did not say anything but nodded her head in silence. This has become way worse. It used to be glares but now everything is going to Hell just because someone announced Batgirl is Nightwing's cousin.


"I'm telling you are going too far!" Vice Principal Grodd was trying to convince Principal Nightwing to stop allowing villains to enroll the school. Nightwing smiled.

"I am doing what is necessary for this school. Amanda Waller was a failure for her job. A new principal has to do what is right.

"THIS IS NOT RIGHT AT ALL!!!!" Grodd yelled at the top of his lungs. Nightwing is unfazed by the noise.

"Well why don't you ask Waller?" Nightwing asked.

"Waller is in jail THANKS TO YOU!!"

"Then let me do my things with no interruptions. NOW!" Nightwing ordered. Grodd suddenly felt fear inside him. This was unnatural since Grodd was NEVER afraid of anything. The glare in Nightwing's blue eyes suddenly became red. Grodd ran away in fear. The surrounding students watched in shock and dismay.

Nightwing did a big sigh and just walked to his office. Starfire and Beast Boy were seen looking through the files of the students.

Starfire went up to Nightwing and did a cute peck on his lips. She smiled.

"You are the best principal ever my loving husband." She said.

"Get a room you too!" Beast Boy teased.

Nightwing chuckled. He was looking through the files and found one that took his interest.

"Starfire? Do you know this student?" Nightwing asked.

"Ah Yes! Supergirl! She was one of the students who your brother beat the crap out of." Starfire said.

"I see. She has that crystal on her neck by her birth parents from Krypton yes?"

"Yes... Wait how did you..." Starfire was surprised that Nightwing knows a lot about her. Nightwing then was leaving the office.

"Where are you going master?" Beast Boy asked.

"A family friend of my dad..." Nightwing did a calm smile and walked out. Starfire and Beast Boy felt confused...


Batgirl was on her hospital bed, trying to research about Batman.

If my dad knows him, then there MUST be a file about him in the Gotham City Police Department! Where my dad used to work in! Batgirl thought.

She was hacking through the GCPD files and found one file: BATMAN

Pow! Clue on! Batgirl celebrated in her head...

...but the celebration was too early. The file DOES have his history of stopping many criminals but still nothing crucial about him. Batgirl was getting very frustrated.

This Batman is very good. Too good. As if he knew about everyone before he started his heroic days! Batgirl suspected.

".... Huh? What is that?" Another file caught Batgirl's eye. She looked into it. It said: THE BATMAN SUSPECTS.

That is great! My dad did this file! My dad is VERY good when it comes to suspects! Thanks dad! Batgirl screamed in her mind. She was looking at the names:

Bruce Wayne

That was it. Only that name. Sure, there were other names but they were crossed out. Only that name remains.

Bruce Wayne? THE RICH GUY WHOSE FOUNDATION IS TAKING CARE OF THE COMPUTER CLUB IN MY SCHOOL!? THIS IS BIG.... WALLER... What did you do??? Batgirl was very nervous about what she is getting herself into.

"Barbara!?" Gordon yelled. Batgirl closed her computer in time and saw her father walking to her. Gordon took the computer away.

"Barbara! Don't work! The doctors told you not to move or anything due to your concussion." Gordon said.

"Dad. I have to go back to Super Hero High." Batgirl declared. Gordon's eyes widened.

"BARBARA NO! IT'S SUICIDE!" Gordon yelled.

"I have to solve the problem I created in the first place... Robin's attempted suicide was my fault. The Batman and his children may not forgive me forever, but at least I need to fix something... as their cousin..."

Gordon face hardened.

"Alright Barbara. I'm not going to stop you since you are persistent. But I am telling you this: If you see Batman.... WALK AWAY." Gordon told her.

"Thanks dad." Batgirl smiled. Gordon nodded.

DC SUPERHERO GIRLS: THE NIGHTWING CASE PART 2Where stories live. Discover now