Chapter 1

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Blaire Lavin was sitting in the Gryffindor common room reading The Daily Prophet when she felt the slightest tickle on her foot. She looked down, silently wishing to not see a bug, and sighed in relief when she saw nothing. Looking back to her paper, Blaire noted that it was the 18th of December. She only had one more week before the Christmas Holidays.

Holidays at Hogwarts were always bittersweet for Blaire. On one hand, she was able to take a break from her studies and go home to see her family. On the other hand, she would be away from her best friends for three weeks. As much as she loved being home, Blaire always missed the shenanigans her friends put on, even if it was just for a few weeks.

Another tickle interrupted Blaire from her thoughts. She looked out the window and noticed that the sun had fallen and the moon was out. A thought of Remus passed through her mind, as it always did since she discovered he was a werewolf during their third year.

"The boys should be back soon." Lily said, coming down the stairs. Blaire moved her gaze to her best friend coming down the stairs.

"You're right. I hope they weren't caught." Blaire replied. Seeing as it was their last week before winter break, James, Sirius, and Remus had snuck out to Hogsmeade to "borrow" some drinks and sweets in celebration. Peter would have joined, but he was stuck in detention.

"You know them, Sirius would probably sweet talk his way out of it." Lily laughed.

"You're right," Blaire admitted, before yelling, "God dammit!"

"What is it?" Lily asked, rushing over to the couch where Blaire was.

"I keep getting this tickle on my foot!" She said, itching where she had felt the tickle.

"Could it be-" Lily started but was interrupted by the sound of giggling.

"You have got to be kidding me.." Blaire rolled her eyes and realized what was going on. She reached into the air in front of her until she found something hard.

"Ouch!" Came a voice seemingly from nowhere. "You hit me in the goddamn glasses!"

Suddenly three teenage boys appeared in front of Lily and Blaire, one of them holding a cloak that looked like it belonged in the 1600's.

"How long have you been in here?" Lily asked the three mischiefs.

"Probably about ten minutes." Remus replied, shrugging. Blaire shook her head.

"How did you get in here without me noticing then? I was sitting here nearly the whole time you were gone!" Blaire asked.

"Well, about ten minutes ago we came in and happened to notice no one was in the common room. I was about to take the cloak off of us, but Sirius saw you coming and insisted we mess with you. You owe me a new pair of glasses by the way." James replied, holding his very close to his face, inspecting the damage.

"Are you a wizard or not, Potter?" Blaire grabbed the glasses and said a quick spell, returning them to their normal, uncracked state.

"Oh yeah..." James muttered before crashing into one of the nearby chairs. Blaire turned to gaze at Sirius.

"Your best idea was to tickle my feet?" Blaire asked. Sirius shrugged, and sat on the couch next to Lily. Remus took the remaining chair opposite James.

"So, what did you guys get?" Lily asked.

"Since you asked," James pulled out a small bag that looked like it could not have fit more than a textbook. He looked at Lily, grinning.

"What on earth could you have fit in there?" She asked again. Blaire, however, figured the boys must have some trick up their sleeve. While her and Lily had known the boys for the same amount of time, Blaire had been friends with them since their first year at Hogwarts. Lily had only just started warming up to them, and by them she meant James.

"You doubt my skills, Evans?" James had a sly grin on his face, head cocked towards Lily.

"Quit your stalling and pass me the booze." Sirius demanded. Blaire looked at James and shrugged.

"You heard the man, Potter."

James stuck his hand in the bag, except his hand kept going. Somehow, he was able to stick his arm all the way in the bag. Some sort of charm, Blaire concluded. James began taking items out of the bag, including firewhisky, bertie botts beans, chocolate frogs, pumpkin pasties, and more. The supply seemed to be never ending. Finally, once Blaire thought they were about to need another table, James put the last set of licorice wands on the table.

"Damn." Lily said, eyeing all the sweets.

"I'll get some glasses!" Sirius exclaimed, hurrying off to his room. They weren't too worried about being loud. Seeing as it was a Saturday, most students were out in the castle, enjoying their freedoms from classes. Blaire had also heard rumors of a party in the Hufflepuff common room.

Sirius rushed back down the stairs and set five small glasses down. The table was so full it reminded Blaire of the muggle game, Jenga. Or Tetris.

"When on earth was the last time you cleaned these?" Lily said, with a hint of disgust in her voice. Blaire took a closer look at her glass and saw small specks of dust and hair. Sirius turned slightly pink as Lily used scourge to clean the glasses.

James popped open the firewhisky and began pouring everyone glasses, while the girls began to claim candy. Blaire searched through the licorice wands and grabbed all the red ones she could. While licorice wands were her favorite, she could not stand plain, black licorice. The taste is what she imagined polyjuice potion would taste like.

"What are our plans for tonight then boys?" Blaire asked, ripping a wand with her teeth.

"I'm glad that you asked, princess." Sirius smirked at Blaire while she rolled her eyes at his nickname for her. Her last name meant ruler, so back in their first year he granted her the oh so lovely nickname, which had stuck with her every since.

"I had the brilliant idea of playing truth or dare."

"What are we, second years?" Lily laughed.

"Ah, but Evans. There is a twist."

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