"Your too late. Shes dead. Been dead about five minutes" Mercy said in his monotoned voice while exhaling his cigarette. He took his coat from the paramedic.

"Wait, how did this happen?" the paramedic called out.

"Your guess is as good as mine. Guy. Black coat. Black hat. Thats the only discription i got off her"

"Oh ok. Thanks um...Whats your name sir?" the paramedic asked.

"Mercy. Detective Mercy" He walked off towards his appartment.

"Ok, Thanks again detective."

The two paramedics lifted Hope's body onto a stetcher.

Mercy walked into his appartment and placed his coat on the couch before wiping his hands on a towel. He then washed the remaining blood. Looking at his table, he could see a stack of mail. He picked it up, shuffling through the enveloped. After that, he switched on the T.V. and poured a glass of whiskey. He called his partner Dexter and told him about what happend. Taking a drink of his whiskey every now and then and pouring another glass when he finished.

He Hung up the phone and went back to watching the television. Yearning for another glass of whiskey, his shaky hands spilled the brown liquid on the table. Groaning, he reached for a cigarette and lit it.

He awoke in a haze the room spinning, his head pounding. Staggering to the bathroom, he got in a shower. He washed his hair, watching the swirling water below him turn a dilouted red colour. He stepped away from the shower hose and ran his hand through his think brown hair. He noticed that his hand was covered in blood. He was unsure as to what happend, but his grogginess convinced him it was nothing to worry about. He got out the shower and got dressed. Before leaving he looked at himself in the mirror, in the hall way and ran his fingers through his hair again. Grabbing the blood stained towel, he left his apartment, lighting another cigarette before getting into his car. Driving down the road, his eyes slowly drifted away and looked down the ally way where he found Hopes body ripped open. He looked at his hands and remembered the blood that was on them when he tried to save her. Mercy hated being left in the dark. Not knowing why or how things happened. The fact that he knew nothing about what happened to Hope drove him insane with curiosity. He arrived at the police station and parked in his spot. He said good morning to Morgan, a young police officer who was leaving as Mercy was walking in. He grabbed a cup of coffee and entered his office. Dexter was waiting.

"Hey Mercy how you feeling?" Dexter asked with a look of concern on his face.

"I'm fine". He threw the blood stained towel at dexter. "Take this to the lab and run some tests. I wanna know everything about this girl. Understood?" He sat down and held his head in his hands. He looked up at Dexter, who was grasping the towel in his hands, staring at him. "You're still here?"

Dexter tried to voice some protest, but he knew it was pretty useless. He glanced down at the bloody towel in his hands, before leaving Mercy's office. Mercy leaned back in his chair, exhaling loudly whilst closing his eyes.


Mercy woke up to see Dexter holding a handfull of paper and a cup of coffee. "Here you look like you need this more than i do. You sleep ok?"

"Just fine. What did you find out?" Mercy rubbed his eyes and took one of the sheets from Dexter.

"Well the lab took some blood from the towel you gave us and we got an identity. Her names Hope Masters. She was 24. Born in Detroit, lived there for 7 years before moving to New York with her father. She was 5'3, been in prison for shoplifting when she was 18. She was studying journalism before dropping out after getting pregnant. She was 4 months gone the night you found her." Dexter handed over him the files and sat down.

"You got all this from a blood test?"

"Nope. You said you wanted everything about her, from the blood i got an identity, but i also checked her criminal records, medical records and her Facebook." Dexter smiled.

"Facebook?" Mercy looked at Dexter confused.

"It's a social networking website. You log on and post things about yourself. Who you are, what you like, what you don't like...All the kids are doing it these days Mercy you gotta get with the times". Dexter laughs.

"Um, okay, anything on where she was heading the night i found her?"

"Nah nothing." Dexter said sitting back in his chair putting his foot on Mercy's desk.

Mercy looked at the file, when suddenly, a look of horror grows on his face

"Wait. You said she was pregnant when i found here?"

"Yeah, so? Pregnant people get murderd too Mercy" Dexter noticed the look on Mercy's face and sat up straight.

"When i found her, she had been slit from her groin up. Someone gutted her. I could see her fucking insides!" he screamed, the look of horror remained on his face.

"There was no baby."

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