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Detective Max Mercy stood over the body of scientist Nathan Paige. His body was ripped apart with the head cut open. The inside of the skull was showing, but strangely, there was no brain. Instead, there were sharp teeth marks on the skull'd base. Max's men were stunned, almost lost for words. Mercy bent down to get a closer look at the body. Unable to see clearly, he brushed his fingers over the teeth marks. The only light inthe victim's appartment was the lights beaming from the police cars outside. Mercy's head began to thump with pain, causing him to fall onto the floor. Looking underneath his legs, he could see that he had landed on some form of paper. Lifting himself from the floor, he could see it was a bloodstained blueprint which was in the victim's hand. On closer inspection, Mercy couldn't make out what the blue prints were for as blood had smeared the diagram and writing.

"Mercy! Get over here" Dexter called.

Dexter Connelly was Mercy's partner. He was staring at the wall, his torch shining on a particular spot. He was alone in another corner of the room. Dexter was young, alot younger than Mercy but he was smart and noticed things that no other detectives would. He had a inquisitive mind like no other. That was why Mercy chose him over the other budding detectives. Mercy walked over to Dexter, wiping his hands on his long brown coat, smearing a little bit of blood over his badge. Dexter touched the wall with his finger then looked at it.

"What is it?" Mercy asked.

"Blood" Dexter replied "The Killer wrote on the walls with Nathan's blood"

"Whats it say?" Mercy looked closer at the blood on the wall

"Remember Me Mercy"

End of prologue

It was a cold and rainy day in november. Fireworks lit up the night sky. Mercy walked the noisey streets of New York alone to his appartment. Mercy hated the noise of a car as it sped past him, the rain bouncing off the body of the car, and the splashing of the puddles as it drove through them. Covering a cigarette with his hand, protecting it from the rain, he could see his appartment at the end of the street. A scream from the allyway caused him to drop his cigarette. Running into the dark ally he heard the scream again, but this time it was muffled by the sound of a fire work above his head. It was close. Close enough to identify that it was a woman. Probably young. Another rape attempt he thought to himself. Standing in the middle of the allyway the scream was heard again. Coming from inside the dumpster beside him. He opened it. There was a woman tied up. He picked the girl out of the dumpster. And lay her on the floor. She lost consiousness as her head swayed backwards in his arms. He took off his coat, about to put it over her to keep her warm, until he then noticed a huge slit in her stomoch. He took his cell phone out of his coat pocket before covering the girl with it. Mercy tried to keep the girl talking whilst the ambulance came.

"hello? You need to keep talking, Okay? Keep your eyes open. My names Max. I'm a detective. Whats your name?" He said to her, shouting over the fireworks above him.

"My...names...Hope." She struggled to string a sentence together.

"Ok now Hope i need you to listen to me. I need you to keep talking. What happend here? Can you tell me.?" He pleaded, willing her to stay awake.

"A man...Black coat.. black..hat" she spurted before her eyes closed over and she went quiet. Mercy shook her violently, constanty screaming her name.

He tried desperately to resusatate her but nothing worked. The ambulance arrived five minutes later. Paramedics came out to see Mercy smoking a cigarette next to Hopes body. One of the paramedics puked at the sight of the young girl's body as he grabbed the coat that was covering her torso.

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