Olivia's Point of View 5

Start from the beginning

"Do you want to come? You don't have to watch the mess that will be our family reunion." Jacques stared hard at the road and seemed to try his hardest to avoid eye contact with me, which was worrying. Was it the stress of the day that had kept him so quiet these past few hours, or had he tired of me? Now that he knew Lemony was alive, had I lost my purpose?

"Do you want me to?" I asked. Jacques remained quiet for a second longer, thinking.

"Yes. I- I'm sorry that you've had to see me in this... state..." Jacques began. I held up a finger.

"A lot is happening right now. You can be affected by things- it's not a crime to have feelings."

"I know." He whispered. "I'm not usually like this."

"I need you to know that you can be, though. You don't have to spend your whole life being the unaffected hero that you try to be, bouncing from one mission to the next. You can have time to think- to exist." I placed hand over his that rested next to the glove box, which he flipped around so as to clutch to mine.

"Thank you."

We continued driving in silence, though in the city no journey is too long except, perhaps, with traffic. When we approached number 668 Kit was sat on a bench next to it, turning her head sharply as the cab approached. We walked towards her, and Jacques put his arms around her, gripping as though for dear life. They clearly hadn't seen each other for a very long time. When they parted, Kit gave me a quizzical look.

"Jacques." Kit said. "Who is she?"

"Umm," Jacques started, looking to me for direction. "She's my... She's my girlfriend?"

"Really? You have a girlfriend now?"

"Yep." I muttered. I was getting quite tired of being spoken about. I held out my hand. "Olivia."

"Kit." She shook it. "You need to know that Jacques is... things have been difficult for a while, especially now that Lemony is gone- or rather isn't now."

"I know."

"I'm just saying that if you're just here while he's handsome and you're planning on breaking his heart, I won't think twice about ruining you. Do you understand?" Kit had stepped much closer to me while she made her speech, and I stepped backwards.

"I do." I watched as Kit's stern face turned into a smile and took a breath of relief.

"Thanks Kit, that was very helpful. Great first impression." Jacques mumbled with sarcasm, but Kit just patted him on the shoulder, and reminded him of how he had acted with Lemony. Apparently Beatrice had laughed in his face, and Lemony had become even more enamoured with her. I dreaded to wonder what had occurred when Beatrice married Bertrand instead.

Then the twins turned in unison and started quickly, making their way up the tall flights of stairs towards the hotel, and I was left to jog behind them. Jacques found the door marked 343 and pounded on it with a sense of urgency I hadn't even seen of him when in Veblen Hall.

"Lemony, Lemony please let us in." Jacques begged, and it sounded as though he was crying. "Please, you don't have to hide from us like this. I need to know you're okay." There was a creak from within the room, and the person inside stood near the door.

"Who's with you, Jacques?" Came the voice.

"Kit's here-"

"Hello!" Kit said, suddenly far more cheerful. Her mood had completely changed in the few minutes between now and our first meeting.

"And..." Jacques continued, "my girlfriend."

There was a chuckle from within the room. "You've got a girlfriend?" The voice asked.

"Why is that so shocking suddenly?" Jacques laughed, and the door began to open. Inside stood a tall man with dark eyes and dark hair, wearing a dark suit (though it was clear it was for no occasion) who was stood mostly in the dark. Lemony Snicket.

Jacques threw them both into a hug, somehow even more tightly than with Kit.

"I missed you." He whimpered.


Author's (editing) Note, 2021

This chapter was... let's say it was a struggle. Once again I'm still not happy with it but at least it isn't what it was. I know what is coming next chapter and the idea of editing it fills me with an immense level of dread, but at least it will be gone soon.

It's also quite funny to see the word-count go up 500 after my edits.

Jalivia (Jacques Snicket+Olivia Caliban) ASOUEWhere stories live. Discover now