c h a p t e r e i g h t e e n

Start from the beginning

"morning." meredith mumbled.

"morning. i got some news. the baby doctor is flying down to new york soon. she's moving here."

"thank god. i was worried for you to go to new york alone."

"i'm just glad i don't have to go broke getting there."


"there's too much damage. we'll have to remove the colon instead of a local resection." dr webber said. him, bailey, meredith, and madelyn were in the middle of a surgery.

"you gotta push it up." webber instructed bailey.

madelyn watched as webber had problems tying a suture. her and meredith shared a worried look.

"more suture. and what's with these damn lights in here? it's too damn crowded in here. madelyn, scrub out." he complained. meredith adjusted the light and madelyn left the o.r. and sat with derek in the gallery.

"hey derek."


"did you see webber? he seems.. off."

"yeah i noticed." derek answered.

"do you think we should ask him?"

"no it'll just scare him off. if something is really wrong he'll come to us." derek assured.

"i hope you're right."


"hey, syph boy." christina mocked george as him and alex sat down at the lunch table. madelyn tried to hold in her laughter as george turned red.

"you told her?" george asked izzie.

"just christina. and madelyn." izzie admitted.

"syph boy. it's got a nice ring to it, kind of like superboy, only diseased." alex joked.

"izzie didn't have to say a word. around here, the only thing that spreads faster than disease is gossip." madelyn pointed out.

"that's not true. just cause izzie can't keep her mouth shut doesn't mean everyone knows." george defended.

"hey george. how you feeling, sorry about the syphilis." meredith told him as she joined the table.

"everybody in this hospital knows?" george asked.

"knows you're a player." alex added.

"you're disturbed." george shot back.

"true." madelyn pitched in.

"everybody's got a secret. be glad yours is out in the open." alex explained.

"oh, yeah, alex what's yours?" christina prodded.

"show me yours, and i'll show you mine." he said back.

"i bet you have some seriously kinky skeletons in your closet." alex joked. madelyn let out a giggle.

"you're one to talk alex." she said nonchalantly.

"shut up." he mumbled back.

"what's in my closet is none of your business." said christina.

"well, i don't have any secrets. my life is boring." said izzie.

"everybody's got something to hide." meredith half mumbled. her and madelyn exchanged a knowing glance. the rest of the group looked to the pair who were sitting beside each other.


it was the end of the day and madelyn was. walking to the doors of the hospital when she saw derek and meredith together. she smiled and joined the pair.

she was about to start conversation when she saw dr montgomery walk through the hospital doors.

she quickly rushed over to her and held her hand out.

"dr montgomery. it's nice to finally meet you. i'm dr grey, the woman with the twins. we spoke over the phone." madelyn introduced. addison smiled lightly and shook her hand. addison glanced behind madelyn. madelyn turned around and saw derek staring at her.

addison started to walk towards derek and madelyn followed behind her.

"dr montgomery, this is my sister meredith, and obviously you know derek." madelyn introduced.

"addison." derek said. meredith looked confused.

"what are you doing here?" derek asked her.

"you'd know if you bothered to return any one of my phone calls."addison turned to meredith.
"hi. i'm addison shepherd." addison shook meredith's hand.

"shepherd?" said meredith.

"and you must be the woman who's been screwing my husband."


sorry this chapter is shorter then usual but i wanted to publish something for you guys some i hadn't in a few weeks, and i'm sorry about that.

i know this wasn't particularly my best chapter but i promise, better ones are coming.

i skipped a few episodes so that i could fit the ending with addison in. i realize addison introduced herself as shepherd and not montgomery but i thought it would be better for madelyn to think her last name was montgomery so the surprise of addison returning wasn't ruined for derek and meredith.

anywho, i hope you enjoyed this chapter, hit the little star in the corner if so, be sure to follow me if you don't and thanks for reading! till next time


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