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In hindsight, leaving the library and heading to the local bar was most probably not your best idea. You had just survived a mummy attack in a freakin' pyramid and decided that that was the final straw for 'weird' that you were willing to tolerate that day. If it wasn't for Flynn showing up when he did, you all might be dead. Mind you, you could have avoided the bruised ribs and the cut along your upper arm had Flynn turned up sooner. Either way your plan tonight was to get hammered and forget about the mummies, you were open to most things, but mummies that was just a little too much to process, even for you.

You hadn't noticed when the local band in the bar had stopped playing and you hadn't noticed that the stools on either side of you had been occupied, you had just kept trying to wrap your head around everything which you had experienced since becoming a librarian. The things you'd seen, the places you'd been. You thought you had found your limit when you met an ancient trickster who enjoyed spreading lies and messing with everyone, but no, mummies were definitely the limit. Your phone buzzed on the bar beside you, another missed call from Baird. That made a total of 40 missed calls, an unknown amount of missed texts and the only two who hadn't tried to contact you. Flynn and Jenkins. You liked Jenkins, he was definitely older and wise beyond his years but he had a strange calmness about him that just put you at ease, you knew that he'd be the last person to try and contact you, he pretends he doesn't care but you all know that he gives you enough space before intervening. Guess that calmness comes with age. Flynn... you were still unsure about Flynn. He was jittery and unpredictable with his mood and conclusions.

Cass was so smart, she could do maths, understand magic (kind of) and was able to see a whole world of possibilities and figure out the best solutions, she was like the sister you never realised you wanted. Ezekiel was like that troublesome kid brother who does things to make you laugh, even if he doesn't realise he's doing it. Jake was like that overprotective big brother who tried his damnedest not to get attached and to keep his distance but situations like this tended to prove otherwise. Eve was almost like that big sister who borders on being the mother, very strict and self-sure. This was your family, or the closest thing you had. Lately though, the library, the weirdness was just too much, too much for you to cope with anymore. After being a bottle of <insert alcohol preference> down you decided to respond to the next person who called. After downing what must have been your eighth shot Cassandra's name flashed up on your screen.

"Y/N thank God! We've been calling you for hours! Where are you?!" you could hear the worry in Cass's voice and internally winced a little, "yeah sorry Cass, just wanted to be alone for a while." You tried your best not to slur your words, you evidently failed. "Y/N, are you... are you drunk?" Cass sounded worried again, "maybe just a little" You held up your finger to make a small motion as if she were there in front of you and could see your actions. "Where are you?" Cass was sounding more confident and stern now. You sat up a little straighter. "At the bar..." you murmured. "Which bar?" Cass definitely had her no-nonsense voice on now, "Cass I'm fine, seriously, immbout to head home" you slurred down the phone, then you started crying and you couldn't stop. "Y/N... Y/N, Oh My God, are you ok? Are you crying? Which bar are you at, I'm on my way" you managed to stop enough to finally confess to Cass. "Cass, please don't, I'm fine, I just... I can't do this anymore. I can't stay with the library, I can't... I can't deal with all this... THIS" you choked out between tears and sniffles. "I don't think I'm cut out to be a librarian Cass, not like you and Stone and Jones. It's just not a good fit, I can't do it, I'm not coming back."

There was silence on the other end of the line, you could vaguely make out Stone and Jones' accents in the background, Cass trying to explain what you had confessed and then you heard Stone's southern accent as the phone got closer to his face and hung up before he spoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2018 ⏰

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