Forcibly calming herself, she said stiffly. "If you don't stop doing this, I would tell her family and report you to hospital director about usage of sedative illegally."

Dr. Stevenson approached her until there were barely a foot apart. "You services are no longer, Ms. Kelly. Please pack your things immediately and vacate the hospital premise. I'll have someone return you to West Mercer immediately."

She splayed her hand over her chest. "You're firing me?"

"You no longer fit in to Mrs. Mckade program. Now,if you'll-"

She shook her head stubbornly, and glanced over his shoulder in time to see Ella slowly pushing herself upright in bed. "I won't go. She's my patient. I refuse to leave her in this condition. If you want my honest opinion, I think she's toxic and near comatose."

"If you won't go, I have no choice than to have you physically removed from this premises." Dr. Stevenson closed distance between them. "And if you tell anyone about this I would make sure you don't live to see the next day."

Grace thrust her chin out defiantly. "I don't care you do with me as long as she's okay and out of your clutches."

The doctor growled and lunged forward; wrapped his hands around her neck and presses down hard,blocking her windpipe. Grace clawed at his arm in a desperate attempt to get free. But that only made him press harder.

"You made you bed,Grace, you'll lie on it." He laughed maniacally.

From the corner of her eyes, Grace saw Ella stand to her feet. Her fist curled tightly around the syringe and she limped forward as fast as her weak body could allow. Spots began to dance in her vision and she felt the cold hand of death slowly crawl up her spine.

Her head began to spin and waves filled her ears. Her feet grew cold and her fingers began to numb from lack of oxygen. Just as she was about to surrender to the darkness, the hands on her throat fell away abruptly.

Grace sank onto her knees, gasping coughing and spluttering. She took large greedy gulps of air,ignoring the burning in her throat as air flooded her lungs and her body. When she finally got her bearing and the spots cleared away.

The first thing she saw was Ella, who was laying on the floor panting from the energy she used to push herself out of bed. Next was Dr. Stevenson; he lay a foot away from Ella with his eyes closed and the syringe protruding from neck. Blood was slowly spreading out from behind his head and staining the white tiled floor.

Crawling forward, avoiding to touch the doctor, she came to stop beside Ella and pulled her trembling form into her arms. Grace cried along with her and slowly rocked the both of them. Her mind was still reeling from near death experience. She felt naked and scared.

At first she didn't notice anything wring about Ella,until her body began to shake uncontrollably. It took her few seconds to register that she was convulsing.

Scrambling to her feet, Grace hit the emergency button beside the bed. Then returned to Ella after grabbing the spoon on the trolley beside her bed. She forced the spoon between her clattering teeth,then turned her on her side; Ella began to vomit, but because she hadn't had any solid food, spittle and water poured from her lips. Soon enough, the room flooded with doctors and nurses.

They pushed Grace out as they struggled to stop the convulsion. Another doctor rushed past Grace and disappeared inside the room.

Grace sank onto her knees and rested her back against the wall facing the room. Her throat clogged up as she thought that perhaps she was already too late and Ella would die just as Dr. Stevenson and the boss wanted.

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