Chapter 2

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It's been a few days and spending time with Shoto has been really fun! If his father wasn't such a big douche at least.....

Lately Shoto's Mom has been acting really weird and when I asked Shoto to check up on her, he agreed but it soon turned to the biggest regret of my life. We heard her talking over the phone about how her children are becoming like 'him' and how Shoto was well, unsightly, at least for half of his face.

Shoto gripped the edge of the doorframe before saying one simple word. "Mommy?" She turned her head around with an insane look in her eyes as the tea kettle next to her started boiling. What happened next was not something I expected. She threw the tea kettle straight at Shoto which would've burned his eye severely if I didn't intervene.

I used my body as a type of meat shield but only a third of the water burned me the rest was aimed at poor Shoto's eye. We screamed in pain but I had to jump into his shadow before his father would hear the screaming. Everything after that was kind of a blur my back felt like acid was melting through it as I heard Shoto's painful cries.

It's been a few days and me and Shoto would change each other's bandages on a daily basis. I haven't seen his mom in a long time and I've been really worried. With a few sleepless nights, gazing at the stars. I haven't really been practicing my quirk since then, and probably got rusty at it.

Today Shoto was going to ask where his mom was and when he did I saw him angry for the first time in a long time. Ever since that day he has sworn to become 'rebellious' and not use his father's side. I never understood it since his quirk was half cold half hot not just fire so it's technically not the same. Though I can't really be the one to say that since I refused to use my light side after an incident.

Time Skip (you are now doing the test that will see if you get into UA since Endeavor still doesn't know that you exist and didn't recommend you)

Was I nervous for the test? Obviously, it would be the first time that I would really have to part with Shoto in years. We lived in a Japanese styled house with his siblings and today was going to be my test. I got up early, ate breakfast all of that stuff and tried my best to not wake up anyone. Eventually I got to the area where they were holding the tests and I tried to stay as hidden as possible inside the shadows, still not comfortable around other people.

There was this one kid who kept mumbling in about something and this other kid who told him to basically shut up. The teacher guy, Present Mic I believe told us about how everything was going to work and what robots were worth what. Eventually we finally went to the location the test was going to be at. The green haired boy was still mumbling about something as the gates opened.

I quickly slipped in and started destroying as many robots as possible throwing them into basically a black hole and went on to find more robots. I had about 100 points when the earth was literally shaking. I looked up only to find a robot about the size of a skyscraper.

'Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. That is somebody else's problem' I thought as I slipped away to a secluded area. God I hate crowds. Eventually the test ended with me still in a dark alleyway as I slipped off, waiting for my test scores. 

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