CH 2: The Bus

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Hyewon stepped inside the bus and scanned her card before finding a seat.

"Gosh Milk Boy really had to humiliate me in front of the school, huh." She kept on muttering to herself.

"Does he do this for a living?" She paused, "Nahh. He probably drinks milk for a living." She laughed silently, not knowing she was talking to herself out loud in the middle of the bus.

She came to realization once one of the passengers stared at her in a strange way.

She bit her lips and looked down in despair, trying to find a seat to save her from embarrassment.

She did not look up once until she was able to sit down. Hyewon had finally found a seat, however didn't dare to look at the person beside her; thinking they might have heard what she said.

So embarrassing.

Hyewon then heard slurps and gulps, making her feel uncomfortable. She looked up beside her to see Milk Boy staring at her while drinking his banana milk, the unbothered look in his face popped a vein for Hyewon.

Did he not care that I dissed him in the middle of the bus, out loud? She naively laughed at her own thought out loud.

Hyewon looked up and noticed people were looking back at her again. She looked down and hit her mouth a couple of times as punishment for being careless.

Once the bus stopped at its next stop, Hyewon got off, not wanting to embarrass herself more. She decided that she'd wait for another bus and sat at the bench near the bus stop. Recalling what happened at the bus, she scrunched up her face in agonizing, mental pain before someone sat beside her.

Hyewon slowly turned her head and saw Milk Boy, slurping his banana milk.

What's with him today? Does he want to embarrass me again? She closed her eyes in frustration.

"Milk Boy." She looked at him with sharp eyes. "Yah Milk Boy!"

Milk Boy stopped his slurping and looked at Hyewon, he didn't move his head but looked at her direction with his eyes.

"You.." She paused. "You're the reason why I'm wearing my gym clothes going home!"

All he did was shrug mindlessly. Hyewon looked down at his name tag with her pent up emotions almost reaching its limit. "Ji Changmin."

Changmin stopped slurping his milk and moved his head towards Hyewon.

"You had to ruin my first day of school, really?" She went ballistic on Changmin, although Changmin didn't seem bothered. "Are you listening or not?" She bent down on her seat and tilted her head as she examined Changmin's face.

After further examination on the boys features, she blurted out "You have such a long neck." not noticing she said it out loud.

"And you have problems with your mouth." He finally said, resuming to drinking his milk.

Hyewon was about to argue back when the bus arrived at the bus stop.

Hyewon rushed inside the bus and tried to find a seat, awayyyyy from Milk Boy at all costs.

People were giving her stares as to why she was wearing gym shorts and a gym shirt entering the bus, including the bus driver.

But Hyewon didn't care, if they asked she'd just simply blame it on Milk Boy.

🥛 🥛 🥛

"You're home." Hyewon's older brother, Sangyeon, said in a dull matter as he walked out of the kitchen with potato chip bags.

Milk (Q/Ji Changmin FF)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora