College Boyfriends

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"Cas, are you sure you want me to meet your parents?"

"Of course Dean, they're gonna love you."

"But do they know we're dating?"

Cas sighed and slid off Dean's bed, where they had both been sitting. They had been room mates for about a semester, and dating almost the entire time. As it was winter break, Cas felt it would be appropriate to bring Dean home for the holidays, that's what you do when you're in love, right? But his parents didn't know, and he wasn't sure how to tell them, so he thought maybe once they got to know Dean, they'd accept their relationship.

"I haven't told them yet, but I will, once they meet you, they'll love I do."

Dean smiled and opened up his arms, inviting Cas to sit on his lap.

"I certainly hope they won't love me like you do, I don't think I can have that much sex." Dean joked as he removed Castiel's shirt.

Cas snorted and carded his fingers through Dean's hair.

"You're disgusting."

"But you love me!" Dean beamed up at him. "Hmmmm, let me show you how much I love you." Cas murmured as he began to pull Dean's shirt off.

And with that, Castiel let all his worries about his family dissolve. Maybe they wouldn't love Dean like he did, but it didn't matter, all that mattered at that moment was how Dean's lips felt on his neck and how warm his body was pressed against his.

The End

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