Final Chapter

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Please do not plagerise my story.
I have spent a lot of time writing this Oneshot and I have had my work plagerised before and if this happens again ALL my work will be taken down to pre entire this .
© Copyright
All rights reserved.

Chapter One:

Staggering through the empty clearing, a howl erupted from the wounded adolescent rogue. Her small, petite wolf form could no longer support her weight and collapsed to the ground, whimpering. Darkness had taken her momentarily as she could no longer see the light.




As she fell unconscious her thoughts took her back to a few hours ago: her pack that were now gone. The rogues attacked. It became a horrific bloodbath. The pack had no chance against the rogues who had managed to infuse silver into their bloodstreams , without harming themselves; therefore also creating claws to become a more powerful weapon.

She ran.

That was all she could do. Her mother's last dying wish, 'Run'. She had barely managed to croak out the word without spluttering blood. She could have saved them. Innocent pups, elderly, the teens who couldn't shift yet. All of them could have avoided death. At least some of them could have survived but her wolf was contemplating.
A conflict arising between woman and wolf. Mind and soul. Body and heart.

She just ran as far as her body would take her. The rogues had managed to claw away at her hind leg. The silver was burning away at the flesh and fur as she crossed the border, entering another territory, another clearing.

Death was invincible.

Death is inescapable.

Escaping their grasps was the best she could do until it would be her time. That would be soon. She had already crossed. It would only last until the Alpha of this pack finds her and kills her. Then again, the silver was too strong and healing would be a problem. Silver may take her before they do.

Awakening from her unconsciousness, reality hit her as a wave full of emotions drowned her as she screamed , the visions replaying in her head, blood everywhere ; the same glowing eyes penetrating her soul as the vicious rogue waited to pounce, so he could tear her limb from limb to discard her - so far, fully intact- body so easily like the others.

She witnessed a massacre. The vivid imagery will always stay with her, haunting her, a reminder of her past. It will without a doubt leave some parts of her scarred.

A warm hand cupping her fragile frame, brought her out of her trance sending her back into a panic attack. Kicking and screaming to defend herself was useless. Not only did the hand belong to The Alpha, he was also her mate who would cause no harm. The action only caused her more unbearable pain as her body was still sore and not healed. Wolves have very fast metabolism and can heal extremely fast. A normal injury would cause a human to heal over the course of a few weeks whereas the same infliction on a shifter would be able to heal within a few hours.

She still hadn't registered the fact that The Alpha standing in front of her meant no harm. One thing she had registered in her mind was that he was definitely in power. A strong aura surrounded him as he stood there analysing her state, trying to figure the young woman out. He was tall with dark, disheveled hair ; like he just woke up, which made him all the more attractive. His muscles flexed as he stretched out his arms waiting for her to say something. His tight white t- shirt and loosely hanging jeans did not at anyway help calm down her attraction towards him. Her weak state didn't allow her inner wolf to tell her about the Greek God standing before her was her mate. As an Alpha, that would be unacceptable to let her forget, as most alphas are possessive. However, this particular alpha had seen the state she was left in as she crossed the border collapsing into his territory, but still like any other he was also possessive. He would not allow her to enter any traumatic state whilst he would be around her, protecting her from any harm that may come to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2018 ⏰

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