Chapter 3: Potter is who now?!

Start from the beginning

Harry was seated next to Draco; his head nodding off slightly before he snapped it up and tried feebly to stay awake. He yawned once before he trudged up to Draco and sat on his lap.

"You can go to sleep." He whispered quietly. Draco blinked when the boy completely nodded off, having realized the boy probably still had 'naptime' what with his age. Draco's brow scrunched slightly. How old was Harry?

"How is he?"

Draco peered over the edge of the stiffening mattress he was on. Granger was sitting on the ground speaking as quietly as two scheming girls could. She had noticed Harry becoming slowly more silent as the time passed and had become worried. Draco sighed exasperatingly and frowned. Here he thought that she was the smartest of Golden Trio. Apparently, it only concerned books. He turned away as he replied. "He's fine; just sleeping."

She sighed in relief and seemingly nodded to herself. Pansy glanced up at him with an amused expression and smiled lightly before reverting her attention to the two sleeping lumps on a log of a bed. She muttered something into Granger's ear. Draco watched them briefly with a stilted smirk. He felt a small twinge of condolence for the boys resting. They might not make it out of the infirmary without their dignity, he thought with a snigger.

Both he and the girls jumped when the door to the infirmary burst open, and a fuming Severus entered with a muttering McGonagall behind him. Pomfrey came out of her office angered at the loud intrusion, papers held tightly in her hand as she spoke to them in hushed tones about keeping quiet.

Too tight if those papers were supposed to have useful information on them about the de-aged, dozing child in his lap. Draco frowned slightly. "Pans. Get the logs up." He whispered harshly. She nodded swiftly and stood up as the trio of professors started to walk over to them; Severus extremely pale - more so than usual, and the other two look as though they were treading on thin ice. Something was wrong, and Draco knew it. His arms instinctively held Hadrian closer to his chest when everyone stopped and stood in a semi-circular shape.

Draco cleared his throat. "So? How far back did Potter go?"

Pomfrey sighed quietly before she spoke. "13 years." She nodded to Hadrian and a small smile graced her features. "All of my tests verified that he was a healthy, though small, three year old."

Draco blinked, then watched everyone else blink before everyone all turned slowly to glimpse the size of Harry. The boy was waking up and yawned widely. He noticed Draco looking down at him and smiled. Draco's brow rose as he spoke a yawn.

"Ha-ahh-llo my Dray." He rubbed his heterochromial eyes and looked at everyone before he frowned slightly and leaned his head towards me. "My Dray! Was' evewb'dy stawin' a' me fow?" He whisper-yelled. Draco sighed quietly.

"Po-Harry, they're not." He shifted the boy. "And please don't call me 'your Dray,' Harry." It was then he noticed Severus...Severus, who had amusement in his eyes and a smirk creeping up towards his face along with a grimace.

"ME. NO'. HAWWY!!!" His face was nearly purple with how red it was from his anger. Then, his face relaxed. "Me Hadwi-Hadrian." He nodded to himself. "'adrian 'Nape."

A confused expression crossed many of the faces in the room. A question repeated itself once again. What did 'Harry' mean? Why did he keep calling himself 'Hadrian...Snape'? Draco frowned. He turned to Blaise. 'I'll ask what he means.' He mouthed. Blaise nodded, and Draco watched the message slowly circle around.

"Hey, Har-Hadrian." The boy snapped his head up; his face beaming with joy.

"Yes, my Dray?"

Draco felt his cheek muscle tick in annoyance. "Could us your last name again?"

The boy's brow furrowed. "Nape." He frowned slightly and huffed in frustration. "'Nape...N-n...Snape." He smiled and nodded at his pronunciation accomplishment.

Draco slowly lifted his head from where he had bent it towards Hadrian. Snape? He turned to a now perfectly sheet white Severus Snape.

Pomfrey touched his arm gently. "Severus-"

He stood up abruptly and stared down. "...Everyone but Malfoy out now." His head snapped up when there was no movement to be heard of. "Now!"

A rustling of robes, the screeching of bed frames, and the sound of hurried footsteps were merely echoes in the room by the time Severus sat down again. He sighed heavily and put his head in his hands. Silence soaked into the room like a dry sponge, and even Hadrian seemed to know to be quiet. Draco opened his mouth to speak many times, but his godfather appeared to command the silence with his slumped figure alone. It was a lingering while before anyone spoke anything again.

Pomfrey gently tapped his shoulder. "Severus? Any explanation for your silence would be helpful in the situation. Mr. Malfoy's friends are sure to be standing just outside the door waiting for him." He slowly lifted his head and stared at her with an agonized gaze permeating hers. Draco noticed the soft smile she held as she continued. "Please remember that this situation is quite unnerving for our pupils."

He nodded once and sat up completely. "Bring them back in."

Draco quickly motioned to Blaise and Pansy.

"What's going on?" Pansy whispered harshly.

Draco simply shrugged. Hadrian fidgeted when he shrugged, and Draco moved him back into his chest and held to him firmly; even as he questioned his own motives for being this protective over a Potter!... Snape. He turned towards his godfather again.

Severus waved his wand quickly in a Silencing spell. It was a moment before he spoke. "If any of what I'm about to say leaves this room...I will hunt you down and-"

"Severus!" Pomfrey huffed and swatted his arm. "They do not need to be threatened little bat. behave yourself."

Draco nearly smirked at the nickname. Little bat? Oh, he would be teasing him for that one....maybe.

Severus actually rolled his eyes but continued in a softer tone. "Hadrian." He studied the boy for a moment while the boy's multi-colored eyes stared right back. "What is your mother's name?"

Hadrian literally lit up. "Mummy? Mummy cawn see me 'ow?!" Everyone seemed to flinch at the hopefulness in his eyes. None of them wanted to disappoint him.

"Not yet...we need to know who she is first. Can you tell me?"

He pouted but nodded his head in understanding. "Mummy says it be a secwe'. You pwomise you won' teww?"

Severus nodded. "Yes, I promise."

Hadrian was satisfied with his answer and talked while patting Draco's arm. "Mummy's pwetty 'n' nice. We visit Wowmtawiw 'n' Awuntie Wiwy 'n' Ucle Jams a wot." He looked at his hands. "Don' get to see Papa a wot dow. Mummy miss 'im a wot. 'e tewws me abwout 'im when he away fow wowk."

"What is your 'mummy's' name?" Draco mumbled. Hadrian just went on about everything but the answer to Severus' question. Did the kid ever learn to just answer a question?

Hadrian stopped talking for a second. "........Siwius. Mummy's nam's Siwius."

Severus nodded slowly. "Well, that answered that." He stood up while the rest of the group stared at him in couriers confusion. ".......Sirius Black. Any of you know the name?"

"Pfft! Of course, we do. He's Harry's godfather!" Weasley smirked until it faltered. "..or was. Anyway, he was one of the Marauders. Why?"

Draco stared at him for a minute moment, then turned to his own godfather for answers. He wasn't let down.

"Indeed. Black was also...engaged, shall we say, to one Remus Lupin."

A/N: Please tell me if you like the 3rd person or 1st person better for this story. Comment and vote! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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