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1. What if people who love life, love life but not a lot. And ppl who h8 life, love life, but love it so much they think they hate it bcuz they have too much life in them. Is it just me? Yea? Ok. I will lemme self out. see ya bitchessss. Ok, I'm gone.

Psych, no I'm not, I still have epiphanies to do, in case you can't tell I'm crazy, and I love to be sarcastic for some reason even though I'm not funny at all, but on with the epiphanies I guess.

2. What if love was just a figment of our imagination, bcuz ppl say u find new love and ppl will break ur heart but it will heal, so what if it only heals bcuz we were never in love and we let ourselves believe we were in love bcuz we wanted to be in love???

3.What if we were all actually a little gay, bcuz like we always compare ourselves to other ppl like, "they are prettier than me", or, " I wish I was as hot and sexy as them", so what if that means that we are a lil attracted to them, but not enough to where we have a crush. And what if Harry Styles was the only one to realize this bcuz he is a...

SUPER MEGA GENIUS?!??!?!?!!!???!??

I know I am so extra.

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