1- work of art

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I sat on the floor of my studio apartment, Jack White's, Love is Blindness blared through my speakers as I painted angrily.

Angry tears streamed down my face, "I don't need him. I really don't. I was just fine until he came along."

Who was he?

Carter Ryan, Brown University's star quarterback and biggest player. Pretty cliche right? Well our relationship was cliche. We fell in love at a football game, and we ended with HIM cheating on me with some random blonde.

People these days.

Someone knocked on my door, it was most likely my neighbors telling me to turn down my music. I ignored it, the knocking usually stops after people get it through their thick skulls that I am not going to answer my door.

I returned back to my work, I was almost done with the black watercolor painting. I put a lot of my feeling on the canvas.

Soon the knocking seized. I smiled to myself, nicely done Tessa. I turned up the music even louder.

I wiped the beads of sweat off of my forehead. Someone started pounding on the door. What the actual crap?

I turned down the music, "Who is it!" I yelled.

"Nora! Now get your scrawny ass up and open the damn door!" I groaned and walked over to the giant door. "Why should I let you in?"

"Because you have been ignoring EVERYONE, including me, this whole week!" She yelled.

"And you think you would have taken a hint!" I returned.

"Open this door now, or the next time I see you I will kick your ass in front of everyone." I sighed, I hauled open the heavy door.

Nora burst through the door. "Finally."

"What do you want? Close the door behind you." I growled.

I walked back over to my painting. "What the actual hell, Tess! You disappeared off the face of Earth."


"I told you. I told you he was a prick and you shouldn't have gone for him."

I plopped down on the ground, "You're completely right. Why didn't I listen to you? Oh wait, you don't know a thing about relationships."

"Okay, be that way. Whoa." She said as she peered down at my painting. "I got to say Tess, this is your best work yet."

A/n: I hope you all liked my new story! The picture above is the painting Tessa did! All credit goes to the original author! Anyway, comment and votes lovlies!

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