I punched out of the clock, headed to my Sociology class at school, I drove passed the store bought some dog food and dropped Blue of a my house, "Hope your potty trained." When I got to school, My locker was covered in 'Happy Birthday' cards Inside were flowers and.....Chocolate covered strawberries!

Mr. Lockherd announced my birthday, making everybody sing to me, class was actually pretty fun.

The next bell rang making everybody head out to their last class, mine was Athletics. Emma catched up with me from her English class, "So your birthday has now become a day in the school year... The principle made it Official! Here." She handed me the Paper, 'I would like to announce that Savannah Oliva McCall's birthday has become an actual day in the school year, because of her perfect grades, GPA, and commitment to the Athletic Department, Congratulations! Savannah McCall!'

"Who knew Feburary 29th would become so popular?" Emma and I walked to the locker room laughing hesterically. "SURPRISE!" was yelled once we had opened the yellow metal door, everything was covered in decorations, my locker was filled with some of my old cleats, " Haha! nice Birthday prank!"

I everyone got ready for practice, once coach finstock was given the signal to come in he was smiling like a little kid in the candy store, "Happy Birthday McCall! What? 42?" I laughed sarcasticly. "And you? 68? The face cream is working really well, I'ma have to borrow it." Finstock and I had that Love-Hate relationship.

I sent the team to go warm up in the field while Finstock wanted to give me my present, "I have had all of your old unforms you had ever worn washed, because I wanted to wait, to give them to you, your senior year."

He handed me a silver metalic box with my Lacrosse uniform from Freshman to Senior year, and also soccer? "You have know idea how much I appreciate this Coach Thank you!" I shook his hand, leaving the box covered in my locker, I headed to the the field to start practice.

Practice ended really good, Mom called me during my breaks to tell me she's gonna work late, and Scott's with Stiles, So I had the whole entire day to myself, I drove home to take a shower and get dress to go get more stuff for Blue.

The manager was really friendly with pets and allowed Blue in, I didn't realize how expensive it would be to take care of a dog? $250 for training? I called Deaton, " Umm this might sound stupid...But can a werewolf train a dog, like Talia did to me?" I hear him laugh over the phone, "Yes, just don't teach him to hunt your brother down during the full moon."

I was back home and brought all of Blue's stuff up to my room. His white and black doggie bed was in a corner next to my bed his food was next to it. Blue sat patiently waiting for me to finish, but I was interupted him a knock on my door.

I smelled Ocean Breeze, Derek. I opened the door to my amazement, Peter was also with him, "What are you doing here?" I almost wanted to smash the door on his foot but Peter was already in my house. I shut the door after Derek walked in, "Did you get a dog?" Peter looked at the stairs to find Blue growling at Peter, 'Good dog' I thought.

"Why is it growling?" I chuckled a little "He doesn't like trash in the house....Blues a clean freak." I pushed him to the living room, I looked back at Blue and made my eye color change, when they went back to normal, he stopped growling and went back to my room.

"I was going to come alone, but he tagged along, Sorry." Derek whipered to me, Peter was distracted by some pictures of Scott and I when we were babies, "Here I saw it and I thought you'd like it?" It was a short necklace, a locket, with my birthday ingraved in the back, and a picture of Laura and Talia in it.

"I love it, Thank you." I hugged Derek and looked back at Peter who had a picture of me and some lady the day I was born, "Who's this?" I walked to him and took the picture, "I don't know, she was my mom's mid wife, why?" He didn't say anything until I saw the resemblance, "Sorry I shouldn't have brought it up." I shook my head, "No, It's fine. She's dead anyways right?"

Derek and Peter didn't say anything about Kate or Gerard, but alot about when we were younger, Scott came home about 3 minutes after they left. He was full of food by the way he walked up stairs and plopped on his bed. "Goodnight, Love you." He took a while, "Happy Birthday, Love you more & and the dog."

I changed clothes, tied my hair up, and cleaned my face, "19 years old, I look like I'm 42.." I tuned the lghts off, and slid into bed, and watched Blue get into his. I didn't take me long to fall asleep, but I regret it.


Their faces were dark, they wore very dark clothing. They ran really fast nothing I have ever seen before. Their were other people around me, But their faces were foggy, a sword was being used.....a couple actually.

But then I see two bodies on the ground, one was holding the other. She kept appologizing, "You were my first love..my one and only love.."

And then I woke up.


My alarm clock ran, not knowing it was already 8:55 am, "CRAP! MR. HARRIS!" I ran from my bed to the shower, almost slipping in the tile, I ripped clothes off hangers...not knowing what I even have on.

"Ummm Savannah?" I hear Emma say in my kitchen, "I'm freaking late! He's gonna flunk me" Emma ran from the couch to the refrigerator, "It's saturday! We had school yesterday?" I laughed so hard I dropped the cereal. "Really!" I walk back upstairs, and lock my door, I woke up blue accidently.

"Sorry Blue, Come here." I pat the bed and blue jumps, I fall into a deep sleep, but this time I don't have a dream.

Nemetod (Derek Hale Love Story)#3Where stories live. Discover now