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Hello my sweethearts. My name is Lily and I am very ecstatic to start this imagine book! I've actually been a huge fan of EWW ever since it aired on Nickelodeon. If any of you guys want to just chat about EWW just message me, I swear that I can go on and on about that TV show.

Anyways, I'm assuming that you want an imagine since you clicked on this book, and if not, enjoy reading these imagines!

If you guys would like to request an imagine, just comment this in this section. And please I beg of you to comment it on this chapter. Not another persons imagine, I want that chapter to be just about them and their comments.

Some of these imagines will be posted from my Tumblr (everywitchjandi) So I hope you guys know that these are my imagines. They are mine. They aren't yours, they aren't hers, they aren't his, they're mine.

So please, post your request on this very chapter.


When you request all you need is:





* you can have more than one boy to be a part of your imagine (whether it's a love triangle or something dramatic)

* I believe you all have very creative ideas, so please be welcome to share them, I'm always up for a challenge!!

* I'm sorry if this will disappoint you guys but, I don't particularly write boy x boy, in my opinion, it makes me uncomfortable

* another thing, I DON'T WRITE SMUT !!! so please, do not request any

* you may request more than once, as long as the imagine is different each time

* if you request on somebody else's imagine, I will message you and ask you to move it to THIS PAGE and I will not write your imagine until you have moved it

* now, may I clear things up, you can comment things on other people's imagines for example:

''I can't believe you're doing this to me (Y/N)!'' daniel shouted. ''I can't believe you actually like this guy!''

''Daniel, why are you being so jealous?''

''Jealous?!'' daniel gasped acting offended. ''I am not jealous.''

And then you comment something like, ''Aww, jealous Daniel is my favorite Daniel <3''

Now THAT is acceptable!! What is not acceptable is when you post your request on some other persons imagine. Now that will be removed. So please, just don't.

*** I do not own any of these characters, the credit goes to the rightful owner.


If you guys want to stay caught up on my imagines, make sure to add this book to your library and it will notify you whenever I post a new chapter!


I hope you enjoy these imagines!! And once again,



- everywitchjandi

Every Witch Way ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora