"Follow me" Colin said. We walked down this spiral staircase, and then suddenly someone is shooting at us. We're all freaking out and we take off after Colin. We hid behind some bushes and looked around. "There" Colin said and pointed to a small building. "That's the sniper. Can you see him?" I looked to where he was pointing and saw the front half of a gun. "Yeah" I say. "I see him." We walked around the side of the estate and ducked down by some plants.

Colin handed Eva a grenade. "You're going to make a beeline for the rotunda and throw this grenade into the window" he said. "I don't know if I can" Eva replied. Colin didn't care about her response and pulled the pin on the grenade. That made Eva run towards the rotunda. She throws the grenade inside and then runs away. Suddenly, the rotunda exploded and everyone screams. Eva walked inside and grabbed the briefcase before shutting the door behind her.

"Operation Heatwave. Burn before reading" Joey read. I look over to Colin to see him just chilling with a cigarette in his hand. He doesn't seem like he wants to help. Joey grabbed the lighter from his hand and tried to burn off the label, but it didn't work. We're all just standing there confused on what to do and that's when I see this black strip on the side of the briefcase.

"Give me the lighter" I say to Joey. He handed it to me. I lifted up the side of the briefcase with one hand and lit the lighter with the other. Then I started to burn the black strip. Numbers start appearing so I read them out. "277200" I say. The briefcase then opened and we pull out a file.

"Operation Heatwave, process is experiment 2772, a mutation serum that will transform a common soldier into a monstrous killing machine. However, the experiment subject got loose and killed the scientist. The operation was never able to recover the doctor's private records which contain valuable information. Your mission is to enter the lab and retrieve the records" Joey read aloud.

I'm thinking that we are going to have to face this monster and maybe defeat it to get the records. That is definitely not on my to-do list.

Colin leads us to the lab and opens the door with a shovel. Oli and I are the first two in, and right as I pass through the door, it shuts behind me. There are papers and beakers everywhere and then I hear a roar. I turn around to see this beast that is connected to a chain. I jump back into Oli who pulls me close to him. "What do we do" I ask Oli. He grabbed a file off of the table and began to read. "Instructions for serum. I've been developing an antidote that will reverse the effects of the rage virus."

So we basically have to find 3 little bottles of solution and then combine them in a metal tray. Then we have to inject the monster with it and he should turn back to human. Oli and I start looking around for the solutions. I find one behind me by this box while Oli finds the other two. One was in a jar with cotton balls and the other was in a beaker filled with brown liquid. 

We then found the syringe. Oli steps forwards and grabs the syringe before sucking up the antidote. When the monster's back is turned, he walks over and injects the syringe into his back and then heads back over to me. I wrap my arms around Oli's neck and give him a hug. I mean, we could have just died. As I pulled away, Oli leaned down and kissed me. It was quick because we had a mission to do, but it felt nice nonetheless. 

Oli grabbed the chest that the monster was guarding and we headed back outside to join the others. We open the chest and inside was dry ice. Lele takes the shovel from Colin and just starts hitting the ice which breaks it apart. Under a few layers of ice was a key and a note.

"The two best soldiers must be selected by the vote of the group to go inside the east side guesthouse and battle for glory" Lele read. "That's where the gold is" Colin said. "It's in that house." We head back to the main house and start discussing. Lele, Eva, and I stick together because we are the only girls left. "I think we should vote in Tim" I say. "He hasn't done a challenge yet and he is a mobster which is close enough to a soldier." "Everyone, it is time to vote" Arthur said.

When it's my turn, I write Tim down on the piece of paper. He hasn't done a challenge yet which doesn't seem fair to those of us who have done more than one. And I heard from Eva and Lele that while Oli and I were in the lab, he was firing a gun at the enemy and he's a pretty good shot.

Arthur picks the first name out of the hat. "Eva" he said. That's when I realize that Joey and Tim probably voted for her for some of the same reasons I voted for Tim. Arthur then pulls out another name. "Tim." When Tim is called, I start praying that Eva will make it out alive. She has been one of the best players and has had my back. Colin leads them outside and out of our view. Now it's up to them. You get no help whatsoever when you're in a challenge.

The rest of us kind of just sit in silence. There are only a few of us left now, and we've all gotten really close. More of us might have to die. Eva walks back into the room and that's when I know Tim is dead. "We have two more owners to go" Oli said. "Let's get them."

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