Chapter 1

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Saffire's P.O.V.

It was a long journey back to the mainland. After the mini war back at the archipelago, I was not looking forward to an all out war. Caelum flew next to me, and I could tell that even she was getting tired. While Caelum was reconnecting with her long lost tribe, I had been stuck with Violet. She's much smarter than she looks, and she looks smart.

I thought about the new dragon in our  not very little group. Her name is Stora, or Midnight. Every time I look at her, there's a shred of jealousy. I think it's because of the way Shadow looks at her. They're so happy, and I hate it. Even Caelum, who used to be human, has a mate. I'm the only Night Flyer who doesn't have one, and I'm miserable.

"How much longer do we have to fly?" I asked.

"Should be about 20 minutes. It's not long but I suggest we take a break," Violet suggested.

"I agree. There's a rock formation over there. We could rest up, them get going after we feel better,"Caelum said, pointing to a sea stack.


The group landed on the sea stack. It was fairly large, but they barely fit.

Saffire stretched her wings, almost pushing Sandstorm off the small space.

"Saffire!" He yelped, "Watch your wings!"

"Sorry!" She apologized, helping him regain balance. Her wings were still sore, so she decided to be into the ocean.

Maybe the cold water will help with the soreness, she thought.

As soon as she hit the water, her wings seemed to glow. Her usually glowing Star Flyer scales were glowing even brighter than usual. The water around her seemed to clear up, revealing an underwater palace. There were strange dragons swimming around, and they seemed to be in all different colors. Saffire swam over the palace, and realized that it was made of brightly colored coral. There were beautiful fish swimming around, and even a few turtles. One of the dragons noticed her, and started flashing it's scales. A few more dragons swam over to it, and it lit up it's scales again, then pointed at her. All three of them started to swim up to her, and Saffire panicked. She tried to swim back to the sea stack, but was too slow. The dragons caught up to her, and blocked her path.

"What are you?" One of them asked.

Saffire scrunched up her snout on displeasure.

"I'm a member of the Dragon's Wing," she said, as vaguely as possible.

"What species are you?" Another asked.

"A Night and Star Flyer," She said, "What about you?"

"We're Sea Strykers, but that's not important," the last one said.

All of them had spears strapped to their backs, and the dragons pulled them out.

"We were ordered to capture you. If you would like to breath, wear this enchanted necklace. It is meant to allow you to breath underwater," one of them ordered.

Saffire took the necklace grudgingly, and put it on. It created a strange bubble around her head, and also a chain. One of the guards grabbed onto it, and started pulling her.

They dragged her into the palace. There was actual air inside, so the bubble gave away, although the chain remained.

One of the guards led Saffire through the palace, and into the throne room. There were two dragons sitting on thrones. One was sea green, and the other was a deep ocean blue. They were both covered in jewels and pearls, displaying their obvious wealth.

"This should be interesting," one of them said.

Author's Note

Sorry this book took forever to come out. I've been really busy with school and other stories, so this is really late. I've improved a bit with my writing abilities, so hopefully the story will improve.

The Winged WarTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon