Misty x Thomas💜💜part two

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Thomas' POV~

This place is very strange. Misty says it's called the glade. And apparently there is a maze that is trapping us in here yet it's the only way out. And, I remembered my name earlier, Thomas. But anyways, there supposed to be a bonfire tonight. At least that's what Misty told me.

She's actually really beautiful, and so nice and smart. Shit, I've only been here a few hours and I already have a reason to stay. and there's this other girl, Teresa. She's pretty but she's kind of annoying and rude to Misty!

How could anyone be mean to her? Why would anyone want to hurt such a beautiful girl?

Night quickly fell and the keepers of the glade lit the fire. It's ashes floated aimlessly in the atmosphere. I turned my attention to a flash of long medium brown hair whipping past me. My eyes followed Misty as she sat down on a log by herself. I contemplated getting up and sitting by her. But I stayed put for a minute. I watched some guys get up and surround her. She looked really annoyed. I listened in on what they were saying.

"Hey Misty, how about we take a walk together?"

"My bed has your name on it girl."

"Damn, you're looking good tonight.."

The crude remarks continued until I decided to step in. I looked down and my fists were clenched and my knuckles were white. "Hey! Back up, and leave her alone!" I said through gritted teeth.

They scoffed and walked off. Wait. That actually worked? I glared at them as they walked off. "Thanks.." a soft voice behind me said. I turned around and sat by her. "It's no problem. They were getting on my nerves." I stared off at one of the closed maze doors.

I felt a soft hand touch the top of my fist. "Hey relax. I think you scared them off." She giggled which triggered me to laugh softly.

"Do you mind if I close my eyes for a minute?" She asked quietly and her cheeks were a light shade of pink. I looked down before answering. "Yeah. Yeah that's fine." Her small figure then snuggled to my chest. I tensed for second then relaxed under her touch. I hesitantly draped my arm around her. My cheeks heated up as she nuzzled closer.

  She smells like flowers....

Is that weird?

Misty x ThomasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora