The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...Chapter 15

Start from the beginning

"Ok, but make brownies today. I'll talk to the guys and try to find out without giving anything away." he said and i smiled.

"Thanks Cam! I'll make you browines!" i said and we split for next class.

My next class had Alexis, and Ryan in it. Migbt as well question him. To describe all the boys:

Ryan: Tall, Asian-american, black hair, brown eyes, muscular, envious, and smart.

Kane: Big boned, red hair, silver eyes, full lips, very hormonal, fully Irish, toned, sneaky, and attitudinal.

Dave: American-Arab, speaks many languages (Like Dean), Brown hair, almost black eyes, funny, muscular as well, tall, concieted, and strategic.

Pete: Bad boy. He had blond sideswept hair, a piercing in each ear, a tattoo of a dragon on his arm, lean and toned, talented, not a big eater, pleasant, and mysterious.

So, i walked over to Ryan and sat with him.

"Hey Ryan!" i smiled. Ryan looked at me with surprise, then smiled.

"Hey, Laney. Wassup?"

"Not much, you?"

"Same. Sorry about passing out on your room floor." he smiled and i grinned.

"No problem. I was just afraid id step on you guys. Or you snore."

"Haha, i do snore! And so does Chase and Dave! I guess you were too tired to notice". He laughed and i shrugged.

I doubt it was Ryan because of his lips. His lips are thin and the ones that kissed me were fuller. I could be wrong, but like i said, i dont think it was Ryan.

"Well, i was tired!" i smirked and he laughed.

"Sure. Whatever, Laney. So whats your favorite sport?"

"Volleyball. I play it."

"Figures. Its such a girly sport."

"What?! No its not! Dean plays it..." i said and Ryan snickered.

"I rest my case."

"From what ive heard, Dean is far from a girl." i smirked and Ryan glared for a second.

"What other tales from the lockeroom have you heard, Laney?" he asked and and i blushed.


"Are you sure? Maybe you know all our sizes or something?" he snickered and i rolled my eyes.

"No i dont."

"Haha, good." he said and class started.

So i can scratch Pete and Ryan off my list. Petes hair is so light and long, i wouldve seen or felt it. Ryans lips are too thin and his voice is higher than the one i heard last night. And the guy called me Faith. Not 'Laney' or 'Babes'.

During lunch, i whispered to Cam.

"Did you find out who it was? Or wasnt?"

"Nope. I played around with Dave and asked him whos the last girl he kissed, but he answered with changing the subject. So, nothing yet."

"Oh, ok. Thanks for trying." i said and Cameron smiled.

During lunch, none of the guys looked or treated me different then before. Chase smirked and flirted, Dean cracked jokes and kept the place alive, Mike was a mysterious stick in the mud, and the rest were their normal selves! Ugh!

"Whats wrong, Faith?" Dean asked me, worridly.

"Oh nothing, just thinking too hard." i chuckled. Dean nodded and smiled.

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