Chapter 1

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We in the second quater of the game and my team is losing not badly, but we still losing and as the captain of the team the loss will be on me.  Watching the game on the bench I knew exactly why we was losing and it not cause we off our game the answer is simple really.  

He good naw he more than good he amazing. Just watching him making baskets after baskets with easy and him handleing the ball so effectlessly. I've heard plenty of people praising his skills on and off the court and I never  play any attention I just focus on my team and that it. Now I wish I would've listen more carefully. 

Hearing the crowd shout and cheer snap me out of my thoughts. Looking up at the score board we was losing badly now 60-45. Watching him run back to his teammates.

Hearing my name get call I stood up and my way on the court where for the first time since this game began I lock eyes with him. I felt weak to my knee's like the whole world stop and it was nothing, but him and me in it. Taking in every details of him even the sweat that forming on his forehead. 

Snapping out of it I conitnue to make way to center court when we finally walked by each other. 

"You got a eye problem or something?" He asked bumping into me returning to his side of the court. 

Taken back by his question I awkard answered "No" and watch him as he shook his head and just laugh.

Feeling  stupid by my actions I tried my best to shake it and him out of my head to focus on the game.

Hearing the crowd cheers my heart sank. We lose by 5 points. 5 little points. I blame myself  I couldn't get my head fully in the game. Every time I laid eyes on him I would get nervous and lose my cool.  I drop the balls several times and miss several shoots could of it. I already knew my team is more than annoyed with me they probably piss I can't  blame them for it. 

Walking back to the bench I stop in my tracks as I noticed he making his way toward me. I felt butterflies in my stomach and my plams got sweat. 

"Nice game Curry." Raising his hand to shake my hand I snapped out of it and shook it back. "You to." I said pulling my hand away and walking away. 

My heart was racing extremely fast and I can feel my nerves getting the best of me. Quickly going into the locker room I took several deep breaths. 

After several minutes of me calming myself down I heard the door open and close and heard foot steps coming my way. Looking up Draymond stood in the opening. 

"You ok Steph? You just kind of disappear on us."

"Um Yeah I'm Ok. I just need some air." I reply standing up. 

"You sure? Kyrie didn't say anything to you that piss you off." He ask with a worried looked.

"Kyrie?" I reply back confused.

"Yeah. Kyrie Irving you just shook his hand no more than 3 minutes ago." Draymond reply sitting down untieing his sneakers.

"Kyrie Irving I knew he looked familiar." I said louder than I wanted it to be.

Hearing Draymond laughed I turned my attention to him. "You seriously didn't know who he was?" 

"No. I mean-I. Nevermind." I mumble out.

"You one funny dude Steph." Draymond commented heading toward the showers. 

Sitting back down I sigh out loud. Hopefully I won't ever have to see him again. 

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