Chapter Twentyone

Start from the beginning

"Okay I'm not a robot, but what is normal people sex ?"

"I'm gonna say Sue and Lee, he didn't understand what eating out was so I'm assuming his, he probably barely knows how to do missionary, we have fun sex and break shit every one else is just boring." I said making him laugh as he stroked my cheek, sighing I closed my eyes and kissed his wrist "we make a deal, tomorrow we write down every secret we haven't told each other and try to see if we can get over this but if we can't, we call it quits and we don't ever look back on a romantic relationship." Riker said making me gasp "it's a fair deal."

"Ugh ! Fine, if you don't really think Grayson is yours then we get Harry to do a test." I said, Riker sighed and nodded pulling down on my bottom with his thumb as he leaned in and kissed me.

"Mom ! Dad ! Mommy ! Daddy !" Greg shouted running down the beach, tripping making me laugh as I hid into Riker's chest, I'm a bad parent I know but have you ever seen someone running in sand and just trip, it's the best thing ever.

"You're horrible." Riker whispered.

"You're smiling I can hear it in your voice." I laughed wiping my eyes as Greg ran up to us catching his breath "You two ain't gonna help me ?"

"She's laughing." Riker said groaning, I gasped and covered my mouth "oh I don't want to be you right now." Greg whispered.

"I was only meant to pretend to knee you, I'm sorry ?"

"Now I know why my count is going down, whoo ! Holy fuck I can feel it in my stomach, just give me a minute, why did you come running down the beach like that ?" Riker asked taking in deep breaths.

"Liam's coming to the wedding and his part of the grooms men, which means-"

"Kick me in the balls again." Riker said looking at me, I mean if his telling me to do it then I guess I don't feel so bad about it "you do know it's dangerous right ?" I asked making him nod "it'll take away the fact that I will be what less then two feet away from that guy."

"Don't ! I still want a baby sister." Greg said standing in the way "I was only going to tap him jeez, wait we're the parents here." I said looking him up and down.

Greg shrugged sticking his tongue out as Riker fell to the floor "You good ?" Greg asked.

"I just need to chill a bit." Riker laughed groaning.

"I really want to say I'm sorry and that I feel guilty but a part of me is really enjoying this, we can sort out the Liam thing later, let's go get you some ice." I said holding my hand out, he groaned and pulled himself up, wrapping his arm over my shoulder "I bet I can pick you up." Greg said.

"Who me ?" Riker asked making Greg nod, he is very light for someone his age, sometimes Greg feels heavier, Riker can easily sit on my lap for like an hour nearly two hours before I even start to feel a little bit of his weight.

"You can try it." Riker laughed.

"Someone's gonna end up crying." I said as Greg hugged him "she didn't mean literally." Riker said rubbing his back "I'm trying to pick you up, you heavy ass." Greg groaned falling on his butt.

"His like a massive monkey." I said as Riker laughed resting his head on mine "how can you pick him up ?" Greg asked.

"His not heavy, plus you were trying to lift someone who's a lot taller than you from above half way, to pick someone up who's as tall as he is at your height go slightly below half way so you don't hurt yourself, I've got him the perfect height you wanna try holding him ?" I asked.

"I'm not a baby." Riker said hitting my face, says the guy clinging onto me like a toddler, his right his not a baby his a toddler.

"Okay." Greg laughed.

"What is going on out here ?" Mom laughed.

"Greg's gonna try holding me." Riker said as Greg wrapped his arms around Riker's waist.

Mom shook her head and walked up to us "Greg pretend his Grayson, you know how hold Grayson, hold him like that."

"I'll keep most of his weight." I said as Riker moved from me to the Greg "Mom let go of him." Greg said.

"I'm not touching him see." I said holding my hands up, Greg laughed and put Riker down "I'm so confused, I couldn't move you two seconds ago."

"His a weight shifter, that's why he was in so many dances." Mom laughed, Greg looked at her and shrugged "I know what a weight lifter is I don't know what that is."

"It means I can make myself a lot lighter then I actually am, I can shift my weight, you wouldn't really be able to hold me." Riker laughed messing up his hair "come on let's go get me some ice."

Mom looked at me and smirked "You two kiss and make up ?"

"We're experimenting at the moment." I said making her nod "well of you could just keep the body experimenting out of it, that would be good."

Prince Charming 5 {Riker Lynch/R5}Where stories live. Discover now