Part 1- the Beginning

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It all began, before she was even born. Blakely, also referred to as Blake, didn't grow up happily. 3 months from when she was born her father went out drinking, and had slept with another woman, Daniel, her father, didn't mean to and went to his wife, pleading in tears , screaming that he never meant it and truly, he didn't. Natalie, her mother, didn't believe him, thinking he slept with many other women, possibly having many more children then the one they were about to be blessed with. Unfortunately for them, soon, their baby girl would be saved. Soon. Anyways, both of the parents, they made a promise. To wait until the baby was born, so she would see both of her parents before they split. And once she was born, Daniel felt so happy to see this little human in his wife's arms, he was crying tears of joy and happiness, Natalie on the other hand, had no expression, nor emotion. Her face coated in emptiness, her eyes clouded with rage as she stared at the child. And as the promise went, after she was born, they split up. Natalie leaving the baby with a grieving Daniel, while she went to live her life angrily. Soon. Soon enough this would all change. And soon it did. Once Blake was 4, she had went to her mother's home, getting told the same thing over and over, such as "Blakely my sweet, don't be a little who*e like your father." Or "And if you do cheat don't go crying to your lover saying you never meant it. Ok?" This destroyed the girls confidence, it always did. From her dreams of finding someone who loved her and finding her own story she'd be the hero in all shattered, laying on the ground in sparkling shards with her heart, she truly felt like her mother loved her, she had to, right? Well, unbeknownst to Blake, no. She really didn't love her child. She blamed her as the reason she isn't in the arms of the love of her life. And when Blake left, she always had hope that her father would help her pick up the shards of her dreams, but no. He didn't. When Blake returned home, she was hit with the strong smell of alcohol, and her first instinct was to hide, but she knew that hiding made him angrier. Daniel, stricken with grief of his wife leaving him, he turned to alcohol, anything that could distract his mind from it. He never hurt his child, oh no no no, well, not physically anyways. He always yelled at her, blaming her for the weight of the world. And this only shattered her dreams more than it did her heart. He never fed her, she had to go over to the neighbors house, her window neighbor and her childhood best friend, a boy named Andreas. His mother was always kind to her, so was his father, she would often sneak out the window, across the fence, and into their warm and loving arms. She usually ate with them daily and kept their son busy by always making him go play with her. But one day, she stopped coming. Daniel, had seen his daughter begin to sneak out, blaming the child for his wife leaving and his sudden need to drink to forget his trouble. And he knew deep inside he couldn't care for her, so he took her to the adoption center, leaving her there, not bothering to say goodbye. And when Andreas's parents came to ask where the little girl was, he replied "adoption home." And Andreas heart broke a tad inside, feeling his emotions spike he asked his parents if they could go get her, so the next day they drove to the adoption home to see if they could find the child, but all they found was everything else. Where was the 5 year old? Even for such a small girl she was always shy and would most likely hide from anyone who got near. It turns out, she was adopted by a man, he looked very...wolfish.. and he was insanely tall, his name? Plethemorus. And he knew soon he'd save the child, and that's what he did.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2018 ⏰

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