Chapter 1

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It was cold. I suppose I should have expected this because I did live in London and it was always so cold and wet here. I looked at all the newspapers lined up one on top of another. Each one bore the same headline: "The Beatles Hit it Big In US!" I was proud of my brother. Really I was. But I missed him dearly.  He was in a big band now so I hardly saw him anymore.  I sighed as I wandered the streets.

Later that day, I met up with my boyfriend, Hayden at his art school in uppertown London. 

       “’ey Lu! Want to go see a band perform with me?” 

       “Sure, Hayden.  What band?” 

       “A local one started by some of my neighborhood friends.” 

I smiled and told him I’d love to go.

       “Great! Let’s go now!”

Hayden brought me to a club where a live band of cute young lads were playing instruments and singing. 

       “What do you think?”

       “They’re gear! Really rock and roll!”  I said, smiling. 

       “Glad you think so, love.” 

After the band finished, Hayden brought me up to meet them.

       “This is my buddy, Pete Townshend.”  Hayden nodded at the boy with the long nose and sweet blue eyes.

       “Nice ter meet ya! I’m Lucy McCartney.” 

The boys all started and studied me as if I was a specimen in a museum. 

       “THE MCCARTNEY? Are you related to Paul McCartney??”

I laughed, slightly embarrassed but used to the attention at the same time.

       “Yes. He’s my brother.”

Pete nodded at me and smiled.

       “She’s a great instrumentalist then, eh ‘ayden?”

I snorted quietly.

       “The bird in question can speak for herself Mister.  And for your information, of course I can! I taught meself guitar.” 

       “Very nice!” Said the boy in the back, the one who I had noticed watching me from the moment I walked into the pub.

I walked over to him.

       “And you are?”

       “Oh, sorry! I’m John.  John Entwistle.”  He gave me a sweet sheepish grin.  I had to admit to myself that he was quite the looker.  He had beautiful brown eyes and black hair.

       “Nice ter meet ya, John!”  I smiled.

We shook hands and I walked back to Hayden. 

       “Well, its been great meeting you all.  I hope I get to hear you more as the years go on!  Come on, Hayden. I’m getting tired.” 

In reality I had to leave because I couldn’t get away from John’s mesmorizing stare any other way.

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