"Would you knock it off?" Annabelle smacked the top of her boyfriend's head lightly, "There are plenty of choices."

"But I don't like oatmeal raison!" Cal whined, "Why do we even have that?! Oatmeal raison cookies are liars!"

"Cal, cut it out!" Seth said while laughing, "My god you're pathetic!"

Cal muttered as he stood up, arms folded as he shuffled over to the live seat, sitting beside Seth. Casey and Lex were sitting on the couch as usual, while Chris was sitting awkwardly in the armchair, Sam on the edge of the couch closest to him. Annabelle finished what she was doing, grabbing snacks, and walked back to the love seat, sitting beside Cal, who continued to pout.

After everyone was settled, Lex spoke up, speaking to Chris, but nit looking at him, "The only reason you're here is because Seth decided to give you a chance, as did Jaimie, and Sam saw no problem with it. Casey, too, is willing to look past your cruelty. I, on the other hand, am your worst enemy right now."

Chris winced a bit, looking down, "No offense, but I'm more afraid of Brad than of you."

"Just tell us what you told Seth."

Chris looked up, "He didn't tell you himself?"

"No, because he's smart," Lex said, and Cal leaned against the back if the love seat.

"Had he told us, we wouldn't have let you through the door. This way you're useful."

Chris sighed and nodded, "Fair enough."


Chris sat still a long moment before looking up, "All I can really do is warn you."

"Warn us of what?" Cal scoffed, "Brad? We can take him."

"No, Shaw, you fucking can't," Chris snapped, "He's a complete asshole, I'll admit that. He's an abusive, sadistic bastard, but he's damn smart, and the freaky fixation he has for Casey just fuels his craziness."

Casey winced abd leaned against Lex, who wrapped an arm protectively around him, "What do you mean?"

Chris sighed heavily, "You're smart, Divine. You know what I mean," he stared directly at Lex, "The only reason Brad has people to hurt Casey is because he doesn't want to do it himself. Why? Because he can't. Every one has a weakness; his is Casey."

Casey gasped at Chris, "M-me? He hates me!"

"Far from it," Chris corrected, "He doesn't hate you, but the emotion he has for you isn't love either. He's psychotic, he's crazy, and he's sadistic. He wants to possess and control you. When you were friends he could do that, but for some reason when you came out to him, that small bit of control he had snapped. It wasn't your fault, is was just how he was back then. Anything could have made him snap. Unfortunately, it was you."

"So what's that supposed to mean?" Cal asked, "He actually doesn't want to hurt Casey?"

"No," Chris looked at him, "He's a weak link. He wants to hurt him, but not in the way you think. Harassing him and bullying him barely suppress what he really wants to do."

Casey gasped, and a low growl left Lex's throat as he wrapped both arms around Casey, pulling him down against his chest. Cal's mouth was open, and Seth looked extremely nervous.

"So what, he wants to hurt Casey.....sexually?" Cal asked, abd Chris nodded.

"Maybe not at first, but as time went on, bullying him wasn't enough. I guess because of the fact Casey had cone out to him as gay, he figured he'd be able to, but I don't know. He started thinking up these sick fantasies he always wished he could be a part of."

Book 2: Healing Scars {BoyxBoy}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora