i shrugged. i honestly didn't know how i knew. it just came to me when i first saw him.

"whatever." alex kicked some clay shards out of the way, then proceeded to lay down on the only spot that was cleared of shards.

"alex, you do realize there's a couch no more than 10 feet away from you," i said, sitting down on the couch.

"i'm a floor gay, okay. the floor is better than that couch."

after five seconds of silence, alex got up out of nowhere and grabbed onto a blade of the fan.

oh no.

"please don't do what i think you're doing," i said.

"shut up. turn on the fan."

gods. i've seen too many videos of people doing this, and they all went horribly wrong. i chuckled, then turned on the fan. "you asked for it."

the fan slowly started spinning while alex was holding on to it. he had a huge smile on his face, his eyes were shining, and he started to laugh, which was pretty damn cute.

the fan progressively started going faster, and by then i started to laugh.

all of a sudden, alex started spinning crazy fast, and he nearly lost his grip a couple of times. alex was screaming, i was screaming, and it seemed as if jack was screaming in pendant form. 

alex's shoe fell off and hit me right in the face, giving me a bruised nose. "alex, your fucking shoe wants to murder me!"

alex lost his grip and literally flew across the room while screaming. it just so happened that i was across the room as well. he flew towards me, knocking me over in the process.

he landed on top of me, and we stared at each other for a while, then alex bust out laughing.
he stood up and doubled over with laughter, while i did the same.

"oh my- oh my gods," alex said between laughs. "that was too great."

i looked over at alex and he was literally crying while clutching his stomach. i'd never seen alex laugh this hard before, but i loved it.

i took in everything about him. the way his eyes shined, his perfect smile that can brighten anyones day, the few freckles on his nose that seemed to glow. it was all what made alex, alex.

alex met my eyes and her laughter died down. "hey mags, you're literally glowing."

"huh?" i looked down at my hands and sure enough, they were glowing, along with the rest of my body. "oh! sorry, that happens sometimes. usually when i feel a strong emotion."

alex raised an eyebrow. "and what emotion is that?"

"i'm not sure," i said. you know, like a liar. "happiness?"

truth is, i only glow when im admiring someone and feel a great sense of love for them. whether it's romantically or platonically, i don't know.

out of nowhere, i felt sharp pain on my left shoulder. it felt like a million knives were stabbing my shoulder at the same time, all while it being on fire.

alex rushed towards me. "magnus! what's happening? what's wrong?"

right after he said that, he yelled. his hands flew to his ankle, his face scrunched up in pain.  i was sure that he felt the same pain i was feeling.

then as soon as it came, the pain was gone.

"alex. what was that?" i asked

"i-i'm not sure." he rolled up his pants and exposed his left ankle. his eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

"adrian. his name is gone. my soulmates name is gone," he said in a panicked voice.

i quickly pulled down my sleeve and looked at my shoulder. sure enough, jordyns name was gone too.

"my soulmates name is gone too," i said barely over a whisper.

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