Chapter 3 - Guess Who's Gay? (Spoiler Alert: It's Me.)

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"You just gonna stare at me all day or are you gonna get over here?" Dylan propted abruptly, letting everyone know that his friend had been anything but subtle as he'd hoped.

"What?" Ju balked abruptly, suddenly pulled from thoughts of what his companion's fingers would feel like fisted in his hair while he tormented him with his mouth only to be met with suggestive sentences like that.

Dylan, however, merely smirked and raised a wry eyebrow, leaving Ju floundering for at least a good minute before the kid finally took mercy on his companion and held up his book bag from where he'd tossed it beside the couch, shaking it at the boy in explanation.

"Oh. Right. Yeah." Ju sighed breathlessly, sucking in a huge, steadying breath and letting back out again slowly to try and regain his composure as he moved across the room to where Dylan propped himself up to make room for him on the couch. It was anything but effective. There was virtually nothing the teen could do to calm his wired nerves nor his heart that had decided to pursue a career in the racing industry when Dylan splayed himself out like that, especially not when the brunette happened to be doing so on the very couch that had featured in Ju's inconvenient dream.

"Whaddya wanna study?" Ju forced himself to speak as smoothly as he could, trying to appear as normal and heterosexual as humanly possible as he took a seat beside his companion and absolutely ignored any images sitting there with his newest addiction may have conjured and instead picked up his TV remote and began flipping through channels to find some worthy background noise. (Though: "Highlight Reel of Your Embarrassing Wet Dream!" seemed to be the only movie his brain was willing to view at the moment.)

"Chemistry!" Dylan answered without hesitation, waggling his eyebrows suggestively as a wry smirk drew his full lips up and the kid playfully stuck out his light pink tongue, revealing the glimmering, metallic ball in all its seductive glory and Ju really had to wonder if Dylan did this shit on purpose. "It's been really hard recently." The brunette boy added smoothly, pouting slightly as he spoke and yeah, fuck Dylan, (Oh gods, Ju would love to) he was definitely doing this shit on purpose.

"Hardy har." Ju snorted out dryly, settling for the short answer as he didn't entirely trust his voice at the moment and would hate to croak out in the middle of the sentence (Yeah, no, he was actually much more worried about saying something like "I'll show you chemistry" if he took the risk of letting his unobedient mouth have the wheel.)

Dylan's playful pout dipped to something more akin to an actual frown, bringing Ju's heart to a stuttering halt as the suspicion that maybe that hadn't been the response his companion was looking for and perhaps would have prefered his unspoken flirt bubbled up in his mind. However, the kid regained his casual smile a moment later and snatched the remote from the Korean's hands and began flipping through channels, so Ju pushed the thought away, marking Dylan's disappointed expression off as his own hopeful imagination's making - Though the older teen did have to note the obvious fact that his friend made no moves to produce any sort of text book, chemistry or otherwise.

Ju snarled playfully before lunging for the stolen remote, throwing his body across Dylan's as the brunette shrieked and attempted to squirm to the far side of the couch, wildly mashing buttons as he went. The boy would not be deterred, however, and crawled after his companion with vicious intent, all but pinning the smaller boy against the armrest of the old couch as he continued to press in even when Dylan could evade him no further, cornering the younger male by covering any means of escape with his body, his strong arms braced on either side of the corner to erase any hope of snagging freedom.

"Ju! Your movie choices suck!" Dylan protested frantically, but his voice was high pitched with obvious notes of playful fear as he clutched the holy grail of remotes against his chest as if it were his most prized possession.

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