“I really like this table as well”

I try to hide my smile at his whiney voice by burying my head in the fridge and taking out everything we need for sandwiches.

We throw together a pile of sandwiches for everyone, load them onto a tray with drinks and head to Sam’s room.

When we get there Drew is sitting on a chair at the bottom of the bed and Seth is sitting next to Sam, They are talking quietly but stop as soon as we enter the room.

“We brought food” Ethan says quietly putting the tray on the dressing table.

“Thanks” Drew gets out of his chair and grabs a few sandwiches.

“I’ll get something later I’m not hungry right now” Seth mumbles never taking his eyes of sam.

“You lost a lot of blood to you need to eat” I won’t give up someone needs to take care of these men.

“You might as well just eat man, she’s even more stubborn than you” Ethan says around a mouth full of food. Gross

Ethan sighs and takes the plate from me never taking his eyes from his brother.


“You’re welcome” I smile even though he never looks at me. I take a sandwich for myself and sit on the arm of Drew’s chair, he rests his arm across my leg and we eat in silence.

“Arhhh” I let out a huge yawn. Its two o’clock in the morning and I’m starting to lag. We have been keeping visual over Sam since we brought up the sandwiches. His still asleep when I god worried about him being out for so long Drew reassured me that its normal and his heal while he sleeps, but that still doesn’t stop me from worrying.

We are all camped out around the room. Ethan and Nathan are sprawled out on the floor leaning against Sam’s bed talking quietly, Seth is lying next to Sam dosing in and out of sleep. Even though he is exorsted I don’t think he will rest properly until Sam wakes up and we know he is going to be ok. Drew is still sitting on the chair but I’ve moved of the arm to a more comfortable spot on his lap.

“Arhhhh” I yawn again I really should go to bed but I want to make sure Sam is ok and Drew’s lap really is comfy. He has been absently playing with my hair for the past few hours which really aren’t helping me stay awake. I feel my eyes droop and snuggle down even more mmmm so comfy. I manage to hold out a few more minutes before sleep claims me.

Oh my god I’m home. I spin around on the spot as I take in my surroundings. I’m in the foyer by the front door. I slowly head towards the lounge wondering what I will find. Its night outside but all the lights in the house are on. I get to the lounge and slowly peer my head in.

“There you are button. We need a decider over what movie to watch” My dad smiles at me. He is standing by the DVD rack holding two movies in his hands.

This isn’t right. My parents are gone. What’s going on?

“Comedy or action” My mom asks me. She is sitting next to Ethan on the sofa holding a large bowl of popcorn. Ethan keeps trying to grab a hand full but she slaps his hand away every time without even looking at him.

Ethan and dad start arguing over what film to watch while my mom sits by watching with a smile on her face.

This is not real

This is not real

This is not real

I chant over and over to myself as I watch my family.

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