New Kids

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Amber's Pov

I am so excited and scared I really hope they decide to change. Not change like a snap but at heart "Ambey did you hear about Maleficent's daughter coming here" My sister Audrey asked me. I haven't told her I helped. And I think that's a good thing "Ya it is totally freaky but let us make the best of it and except it" "Haha Ambey your so funny we will never except freaks here" I decided to dress nicely because it is a special occasion so why not and a good impression. "Oh there here ok Amber calm down look her in the eye she might kill you" "Audrey don't be ridiculous she is just like us but with a bad side have some faith"  "Fine don't blame me when your skin is stone or something" "Whatever you say" The limo pulled up. Then the door opened "Oh ah ow stop you got everything else why do you want whatever this is!"Carlos said on the ground squirming. "Cause you want it!" Jay said fighting Carlos for a sweater. The band behind us stopped playing this is really awkward. "No! give it to me! Ow, let go!" Aw, he looks cuter in person Amber stop you with Chad and he is a villain never think that. The girl with purple hair spoke "Guys Guys Guys?! We have an audience!" Oh, I'm guessing she's Maleficent's daughter. "Just cleanin up haha...get up!" Jay said to Carlos Then Fairy Godmother spoke up "Leave it like you found it and by that I mean just leave it" She sang. I found myself staring at Jay just a curious look I admit he was good looking. "Hello Foxy the names...Jay and you are" He said to me raising his eyebrow. "Ahaha not in a million years" I nervously said. Fairy Godmother then popped her head in front of me "Welcome to Auradon Prep. I'm Fairy Godmother headmistress" Then Mal Melficents Daughter spoke "Fairy godmother? As in Bippidy Boppidy boo?" She asked "Bippidy Boppidy You know it" "Ya I just always wondered how Cinderella felt when you appeared with that sparkly wand and warm smile and  that sparkily wand!" "That was a long time ago. As I always say 'Don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future'!" "It is so good to finally meet you all. I'm Ben-" "Prince Benjamin. Soon to be King" "You had me at Prince. My mom's a queen, which makes me a princess" "The Evil Queen has no royal status here, and neither do you!" "Uh Audrey she does evil or not she was a queen and that does make Evie a princess and if she's not she still rocks the look" Evie Smiled and I smiled in return "I'm Princess Amber soon to be Royal adviser and-" "Sleeping Beauty's youngest daughter ya I know all about you" I ignored her comment and smiled. Ben spoke up finally and said "And this is Audrey-" "Princess Audrey. His girlfriend! Right Bennyboo" "Uh Audrey calm down" she just rolled her eyes and stared at Mal, but the whole time Carlos was staring at me I pretended not to notice and smiled. "Ben, Amber, and Audrey will show you around and I'll see you tomorrow. The doors of wisdom are never shut. But the library hours are * to 11 and as you may have heard, I have a little thing about curfews" "It is so so good to finally me-meet you all" He said after Jay slightly punched him then he sniffed his hand? I shook Jays hand the moved over to Mal then Audrey said something. "AMBER dont touch her she might curse you" "Audrey can you shut up and try not to be rude and annoying?" Ben was speaking I shook Evies hand and she said to me "I already like you I think Mal does to" "Thanks" I said and smiled then moved to Carlos he looks so cute with his freckles- Amber stop "Nice to meet you" I said shaking his hand "Mhhm" "Is that chocolate?" He nodded and sucked his thumb I just laughed it off. "Hey, your Maleficent's daughter aren't you. Ya, you know what I totally don't blame your mom for trying to kill our parents and stuff. Oh, our mom's Aurora Sleeping-" "Beauty ya I 've heard the name I totally don't blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world but my mother to your mom's stupid christening" "Water under the bridge" "Totes" They awkwardly laughed. Audrey was about to say something else but i didn't want her to mess this up. "Okay so how about a tour, Ben?" I caught Ben starring at Mal Then he snapped out of it "Oh ya ok, Uh Auradon Prep was originally built 300 years ago and converted into a high school by my father when he became King" Ben clapped for the statue to morph to beast then Carlos jumped in Jay's arms screaming "Carlos its ok King Adam wanted Beast to man to show anything is possible" I said and smiled to Ben "Does he shed much?" Mal asked. I have to amid it was funny. "Ya my mom wont let him on the couch" He said they had a little moment then Audrey pushed him clinging on his arm. She annoys me so much even if she is my sister. We walked on to the main lobby "So you guys have alot of magic here in Auradon? Like wands and things like that?" She asked me. "Ya it exists of course but its pretty much retired. Most of here are just ordinary mortals." "Who happened to be Kings and Queens" I was about to say something when Audrey rudely cut in "That's true. Our Royal Blood goes Back Hundreds of years" "Uh Audrey our Grandfather was a peasant then made King so was our Grami so stop boasting" "Whatever Ambey" "Anyway uh Doug, Doug come down. This is Doug he will show you your schedules and Amber will show you your dorms, I see you later ok, and if you need anything feel free to-" "Ask Doug" Audrey said then her and Mal had there awkward fake laughs.  Ben and Audrey left "bitch..." I said under my breath to Audrey I guess the Villain Kids heard but not Doug he didn't hear "Hahaha I like you I was thinking of turning you to stone and killing you but your chill but your sister not so much" She whispered with me and Evie. "Oh thanks feel free to do whatever with Audrey she thinks she's the queen around here and if you guys DO need anything Ask Ben or I, Doug is a little-" "Hey guys I'm Doug Dopey's son as in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Grumpy, Sleepy, and- Heigh HO" Oh no Doug has another crush. "Evie, Evil Queen's daughter" "Doug?" "Oh. Ok so about your classes i already put the requirements Uh History of woodsmen and Pirates, safety rules for the internet, and uh redemnal goodness 101" "Ha let me guess new class" No "Not exactly some kids here aren't perfect and get detention" Doug was about to speak because he knows but I cut him off "So Doug you can leave now Ill show them to their dorms" "Oh uh ya oh okay BYE uuuuuh" "Sneezy Doug its Sneezy" I said so he'll leave "Oh right" He left then Mal said "Dopey?" "Ya, dopey, ok so The girl's dorms are on the right hall ill take you to them and then il take the guys to the Left hall where their dorms are at" "Cool" Mal said walking to the right hall "Hey Amber?" "Yes, Evie?" "Thanks for what you said back there about me being a princess and I think Mal really likes you It took her a week to like me and it only took you 4 hours you got potential" "Ha thanks Evie" "You can call me E now you've earned it ahaha" "Thanks you could call me Ambey Its a nickname that I got in 4rth grade" "How did you get it" "Oh i hung out with Bambie's kid still do he really sweet he is like a baby brother even if we are the same age" "Same Carlos is like all our little brother we never let him out of our sight especially Jay if Carlos isn't around he gets mad because..." She took a really long pause that's bad "Nevermind just because he isn't that street smart and he might get hurt ya know" "Cool you guys are a great family. Like Mal is the mom Your the cool Aunt and Jay is the overprotective dad" "Your right Amber. Oh, by the way, I love your shoes there cute" "Thanks uh don't tell anyone but I used magic to make them" "Oh ok my mouth is shut. Oh, one more thing Carlos might like you" She whispered in my ear "Haha funny oh and if you see any cute dumb boy its Chad he's mine" "Sure I promise" "Oh here he comes now" "Hey Babey- what are you doing with them?" "UH I'm just showing them to there dorms wanna come with" "Sure for protection for you" "Ahaha shut up Oh ok you dorm is 109 with me because no one would volunteer and it wasn't so bad and I remodeled. Here it is " I opened the door to "AAAAAAHHHH I LOVE IIIT" Evie said screaming "Yo this is wicked how did you do this" "AH I will tell you later. Ok, boys lets go to your dorms see you, girls, later" "Ambey you call them girls they are animals" "Chad don't be so naive" we whispered to each other. I lead the boys to their dorms with Chad having his arm around my waist "Ok here we are room 205 here are your keys don't lose them or you'll get a life speech from Fairy God Mother herself and if you guys need anything you know where my dorm room is" "So Amber how bout that date?" Jay asked me leaning against the door, Chad was gonna step up and say something but I stopped him. "Haha how bout I close the door and say no" I closed the door and held Chad's hand "I feel bad for you" "And why is that Chad?" "Well, your living in a room with the daughter of the villain who tried to kill your mom and that weird blue smurf girl" "Cmon Chad be spontaneous like you were in my freshmen year what happened to that sweet spontaneous caring happy funny handsome Chad?" "I'm still the same Ambey Babey but they are evil and I don't want you hurt" "Aw that's sweet but I think ill be fine and hopefully as their dorm mate they will have a change of heart so don't worry I'll be fine" I said stepping closer and wrapping my arms around his neck and he kissed me "I hope so, oh its 12:30 do you want to get something to eat?" Chad asked "I really wish I could but I have a meeting with Ben and FGM maybe Il stop by your room" "And maybe we could?" "Watch a movie ya other thing no" "Your to quick Amber" "And that's why you love me!" I said walking towards my dorm room to go change in some more comfortable shoes. I walked into the room seeing Mal on her bed sketching a dragon on a rose and I have to say it was beautiful. Evie was sitting on the bay window looking out to whatever she was looking at she looked at me and walked over to were I was sitting putting on some flats. "Amber?" "Yes?" "Do you guys really think we could have a different life here honestly?" "Well it depends on what you heart wants some people here do think you can change and some don't and I'm one of the few who has faith in you guys" "Thanks, Amber" "No problem oh in case if you guys get hungry there's a mini-fridge pact with food ill be back at 11" Evie smiled and waved and sat back at the window. Mal just continued sketching and waved without looking. It's a start. I then walked to FG Mother's office I knocked on the door Ben answered and opened it "Hello dear one so glad you can make it have the New Children settled in well?" FG mother asked as her usual perky self "I think they did, Evie and Mal seem to like me so does Jay" "Aw I noticed" Ben said nudging my shoulder "Haha very funny" "What about that boy Carlos has he spoken to you" FG Mother asked  "No he hasn't spoken to me except when he got scared of the statue up front, he seem's quiet" "Hm interesting well you two are excused Amber please keep Ben and I posted about the new children if anything" she said sitting down looking at a paper. "Of course I will, have a nice evening Fairy God Mother" "Same to you dear" she said as I closed the door. I said my goodbyes to Ben it was 6:49 so I decided to go see Alikane my horse given to me by my dad when I was 12. Alikane has a shiny silver coat with raven black hair and hazel eyes she is the most beautiful horse i have had in my family she gets it from my dad's horse Samson. Since I haven't seen her in three days I might as well. I usually visit her in the Enchanted Forest around this time so might as well since I finally have free time. I took out my phone to just look to see if I had any messages. One from Audrey reminding me "we have cheer practice tomorrow and that she loves me" a usual text from her.  One from my mom saying "I hope you had a lovely day" just the usual texts I get from everyone. I saw Carlos coming towards me in the hallway eating a sandwich he stopped and looked at me as if he had seen a ghost. I didn't know what he was doing but it was adorable. "Hi, Carlos" I said smiling he just waved and ran to the boy dorms. I just laughed it off and walked outside towards the Enchanted Forest. I walked into the forest and called out her name "Alikane? Where are you girl? Alikane" I heard her nay and gallop towards me she nuzzled against me and I stroked her as she did "Your my good girl" she nayed in response. Alikane has always been there for me ever since I was 12 I always told her my problems even if she couldn't respond its like she understood by listening to me. "Wana go for a run Al's?" She made a horse prrr kinda noise and kinda knelt down for me to get on. I never wanted a saddle on her or in a stable. I wanted her to feel free no one except Ben, and Audrey knows that she roams around this forest. I kinda want to keep it that way. She got up and turned towards the direction we always go "Let's go Al's you know the way HEYA!" Alikane ran to our spot where we look at the stars at the Enchanted Lake, Alikane soon reached our spot. I hopped off of her she lays down and I rest my head on her side. It is 8:30 now so you can see all the stars "Look Al's you could see the constellation Pegasus our favorite" Alikane prrr's in response "Oh look, Canis Major, what do ya know the dog constellation haha" Of course the dog constellation. Way to go Auradon. "I love you Alikane I wish we could stay like this forever and not have a care in the world," I said as I dozed off to sleep. I felt Alikane wrap her tail on me like she always does I fell asleep.

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