Chapter 001

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It's been a year since the Upside Down problem. A year since we signed those agreements, saying we won't tell about the Upside Down. A year since I've been allowed to leave the house without Dustin, because Mom thinks I was stupid enough to walk through the woods with Will Byers and get lost. A year since I've started sleeping at Steve's every night.

It became a routine. Get scared, climb through Steve's window, fall asleep. The next morning he'd drop me off at home, go pick up Nancy, and come back. I even started bringing clothes for school the nights I stayed over. When we told Nancy, she surprisingly understood, as long as all we did was sleep.

"Y/N, I need quarters!" Dustin yells barging into my room.

"Piggy bank," I point, and he dumps all of the money out, taking the quarters. " Check the couch. And knock next time!" I shout when he leaves the room.

"Love you!" He screams from downstairs.

"You too, shithead!" I yell back.

"Language," Our mom says walking by my room

"Sorry," I mumble, laying back with a book in my hand.


I jump out of bed and go to the bathroom to put on clean clothes.

I look at my watch: 7:30 AM. Shit. We're gonna be late.

"Steve!" I yell once I get to his room, " We're gonna be late. We gotta go. Now! Get up!"

Steve mumbles and gets up, walking around groggily.

I leave the room to let him change, grab my bag and head downstairs. I jump in the backseat and he climbs in the front.

We drive to the Wheelers in silence to pick up Nancy.

"Hey, Nance," I say when she opens the door.

She leans over to kiss Steve and I wince and look away.

We pull up to the school and I jump out and head of to first period.

Tina hands me a flyer when I walk through the door.

"Come and get sheet faced," I mumble reading it quietly. Well, at least I now have plans for Halloween.

Steve and Nancy catch up to me "Are you coming over to Barb's with us after school today?" Nancy asks.

"No, uh, Will has a doctor's appointment today. So..." I trail off.

"Oh, sorry," She looks down.

"It's fine," I nod, as the bell rings, "I'll see you guys later. Joyce is picking me up after school, by the way,"

I head off to class and the day goes normal. I get called out of last period for the appointment.

I climb into the front seat of Joyce's car and smile at a sad Will in the back.

"You okay, buddy?" I ask him. He continues looking out the window. "Will?"

"Huh? Yeah. Sorry," He mumbles.

"Hey, You've got to stop it with the sorries." I chuckle, as Joyce pulls out of the parking lot.

"Sorry, I mean, I mean, yeah, I know," He says nervously.

"You know, there's nothing to be nervous about," I reach back and grab his hand.

"Right, just tell 'em what you felt last night and what you saw." Joyce adds, "We are gonna be there the whole time. So it's gonna be okay. Okay?"

"Okay," Will nods, as we pull into Hawkins Lab.

I jump out and move my seat so Will could get out. We meet up with Chief Hopper before going inside.
The nurse goes through the normal doctor's appointment protocol before laying him down and putting electrodes on his head.

"Sir Will, how are you?" The doctor asks, walking inside the room. "Mom. Sis. Pop." He nods at us, "Let's take a look see what's going on here," He looks down at the chart in his hands, "I see you... Shaved off a pound since we saw you last," The doctor sits down on the stool in front of Will, "Must be making room for all that Halloween candy. What's you're favorite candy? Desert island candy, if you had to pick one?"

"I don't know," Will shrugs.

"Come on. Life or death situation, what would you pick?"

"I guess..." Will looks over at me and I mouth 'Reese's Pieces', "...uh, Reese's Pieces," Will nods.

"Good call. Good call. I'm more of a Mounds guy, but I gotta say, peanut butter and chocolate, come on, hard to beat that." The doctor sighs, "All right, tell me what's going on with you. Tell me about this episode you had."

"Well," Will starts, "My friends were there and then-- and then they just weren't, and I was back there again."

"In the Upside Down?" The doctor questions, earning a nod from Will, "All right, so what happened next?"

"I head this noise, and so I went out, and it was worse," Will sighs

"How was it worse?"

Will closes his eyes, "There was this storm,"

"Okay. So how did it feel when you saw the storm?" The doctor asks.

"I felt... Frozen. Just frozen." Will says, reopening his eyes.

"Frozen, cold frozen? Frozen to the touch?"

"No." Will begins, "Like how you feel when you're scared, and you can't breath or talk or do anything. I felt... Felt this evil, like it was looking at me."

"It was evil? Well, what do you think the evil wanted?" He asks clearing his throat.

"To kill," Will states, making my heart race.

"To kill you?"

"Not me. Everyone else," Will says, looking over at Joyce.

The doctor asks a few more questions before asking Will and I to step out so he can talk to Joyce and Hopper.

"It's gonna be okay," I say noticing Will's saddened expression, "Things like this happen. It's like PTSD, or something. I don't even sleep alone because of how scared I am of that place."

Joyce and Hopper walk out and we all have all to the car's. Will and I race to the front seat and I let him win and I sit in the back.

When Joyce starts the car I speak up, "I know we're here a lot, but I still have no idea what that doctor's name is."

Joyce and Will both chuckle, "Neither do I." Will adds, making us all giggle again.

"Dr. Owens... I think," Joyce informs us and we all start another giggle fit.

"Joyce, actually, instead of bringing me home, can you bring me to Steve's?"

"Sure. What about your mom?" She asks, starting down Steve's road.

"I'll call her when I get there." I say looking out of the window.

We pull up and I kiss Will on the cheek and hug Joyce before walking around the house to he window.

I throw small pebbles at it before climbing up just incase Steve decided to bring Nancy home for a nightcap.

When Steve comes to the window I climb up and grab clothes before walking to the bathroom to change into basketball shorts and a long sleeve shirt. I brush my teeth and call my mom, telling her I'm at a friend's house, before climbing into bed next to Steve.

"G'night," I mumble, snuggling into him.

"Night," he murmurs back.

Always (Steve Harrington X Reader) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant