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Wow, guys. This is absolutely amazing!! Over 900 reads!!!!!!!! Again, if you have any ideas or preferences please let me know. I NEED HELP!!! This chapter took me the whole week because I can't come up with any ideas. Well, and the prophecy. 


            I burst into the baby blue house, "Sorry I'm late, just got the message now." A man turned to me, "That's quite alright dear, understandable." He was cut off from saying more by a girl who looked to be around eighteen or so with flaming red hair. Her red lips falling open in an inhuman manner as green mist poured from her mouth. I watched her, listening intently as she spoke in an ancient, raspy voice, 

                             "You shall travel to the land of science, 

                             A tower of saviors, in favor of defiance.

                                    Six shall find their missing piece, 

                               Naught shall the pain truly ever cease.

                      The betrayed and the hurt, one and the same, 

                   Stand by and watch as a world goes up in flames.

                                     Offspring of wisdom beware, 

                                   Love in itself shall never be fair. 

                                     Allow mischief to enlighten, 

           Apart they shall fall, united they shall end the Mad Titan. "

"We can find him," I whisper, "the prophecy." Gods this is exactly what I've been waiting for- I was broken out of my musings by the man, "A quest, the six shall leave in two days." He left no room for discussion and I was happy for that, still too caught up in my own fantasies, I was going to find him. I rushed out the door, already running scenarios over in my head. Percy Jackson, I'm coming for you. 

Percy POV:

           I awoke to Loki holding my uncle up by his neck. Tony fell to the ground as Loki screamed. I sit up, shoving the covers off and rise on my good leg, hobbling forwards, while my lover scrambles back. The Jotun's on the ground, screaming and writhing in pain. I suck in a shaky breath as my uncle calls Loki a monster. Ignoring Tony's curses as he sees my torso I jump over to the figure on my floor, "Fuck," I rasp, "Loki your eyes have gone blue again." Then the screams stop, Loki falls still. Picking himself up Loki's now completely blue eyes flash dangerously. His voice, no longer his own, echoes eerily around my room, "I will be the end of you, Percy Jackson. You cannot defeat me. Your dreams will pale in comparison to what I have planned for you, hero." He spat out my name like a curse and I shuddered, realizing that I preferred the way Perseus rolled off my lover's tongue. Quite contrary to the sharp bite of Percy. 

             Then I topple over, crying out from the sudden, fiery pain lacing up from my knee. Loki's magic, it seems was doing a lot to contain my pain, even before I had stepped off that cot. And now it was entirely gone, no longer in his use. 

Tony POV:

            I don't think I've ever been more confused, pissed, and as much as I hated to admit it, afraid in my life. Why the hell was Percy freaking out over Loki's eyes being blue? They've always been blue, I knew. How could I forget the way those eyes of ice pierced into my very soul. I shuddered just at the memory. While I was lost in thought something must have happened because suddenly my half-nephew was on the ground screaming, while Reindeer Games stood over him. Then a guy just stepped out of nowhere and put a hand on Loki's shoulder. God, I'm going insane, "Loki," I stared open-mouthed as the said god stiffened then let out a low wine, his eyes flashing green. "No, stay away from me." I had to give the guy credit, just the sound of the mystery man's voice made me want to beg forgiveness. "Hush, it will all be okay soon. Now, I'm going to help you, alright? Prepare yourself Loki." 

            How the fuck was he still on his feet, I thought half-heartedly as I succumbed to the pull of the guy's words. Lay down, rest, everything will be taken care of, they seemed to whisper. And that was exactly what I did. I woke up half an hour later with absolutely no recollection of what had transcribed eight floors below me. 

Third Person:

            Chaos firmly planted his hands on either side of Loki's head and reached deep into his mind. Slowly untangling Loki from the confines of his own mind, he grabs hold of the intruder and throws him out, freeing the mischevious god. While Loki collapses Chaos frowns at the shaking figure on the floor and draws his eyebrows together sympathetically. "Loki," he addresses the gasping man, "I want you to train him. A special contact has put in a- good word about him. If you do it right I believe we may have another Agent on our hands. Perhaps a partner for you even." It seems Aphrodite was correct, a son of Poseidon, survivor of Tartarus, and blessed by my daughter. Interesting, he mused, very interesting and powerful. Now to deal with the mortal.   

Loki ran Chaos' words over and over in his head. A partner out of Perseus. Train him. As much as he wanted to be pissed at the king of the universe he couldn't. The fact that his father figure had actually shown up was a true miracle. Time worked differently for the Primordial and anyone near or on his planet. He rose an offered a hand to a trembling Perseus. The demi-god took it, taking deep breaths. "Who in Hades' Underpants was that?!"

Ugh, I apollogize for making you guys wait for so long and for the bad sun, um pun. "Hehe, don't hurt me!" *rubs neck awkwardly* Soooo, any ideas for me cause I'd love to hear them... *crickets off in distance* SERIOUSLY THOUGH GUYS Plz PLZ PLZ HELP!!! Also was it any good? Please comment and vote :) Thx! lol, I just realized it's like 3:30 AM here so that would be why I'm acting weird. Oops. Have to wake up early too... Peace, Blue Cooookies!! 

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