Lights, Camera, Premiere!

Start from the beginning

"Before I hang up I forgot to tell you something," Tom says directing his attention to me.


"You look beautiful," he smiles. 

I start to blush and before he can say anything else I say a quick bye and hangup.


We pull up to the premiere and immediately I notice all the people, lights and cameras.

"Chloe, do you see what I see?" I ask nervous.

"Hell yeah I do!" Chloe responds excited. Well at least one of us is excited.

"Okay, you guys can get out now," the driver says.

"Yeah but like do we have to?" I ask.

"Ma'am there's no need to be nervous, celebrities are just people," he replies

"I'm not worried about the celebrities, I'm terrified of the cameras," I state.

"Oh you've got to be joking, Colleen now is not the time to be camera shy!" Chloe yells at me.


"No buts, you are going to a movie premiere with the star of the show! Now pack it up, pack it in, and lets go out there and own it!" Chloe finishes. I sit there in awe looking at my best friend in the entire world and wondering what I did to deserve her.

"I love you," I tell her.

"I know." 

"Now lets fucking do this!" I yell.


We step out of the car, with the look and feel of confidence we strut to where people are directing us to go. I turn to look around and see Tom posing in front of a giant Spider-man poster. Harrison walks towards him and points towards us, Tom looks over and his mouth drops. He immediately starts walking over to greet us.

"Incoming," I whisper to Chloe. She turns her head and sees Tom walking over. I see her smile but she's not looking at Tom she's looking at me.

"What?" I ask nervous.

"Nothing?" She says still smiling. 

I look back over at Tom noticing that he's been stopped by bodyguards who are trying to redirect him to the red carpet. I'm watching as his expressions are turning from whining to frustration to downright determination. Suddenly, Tom side-steps the men and hurdles the barrier and right towards me.

"Wow, that was impressive," I tell him when he walks up to me.

"They wouldn't let me get my date," he smiles. Harrison walks up behind him and whispers something in his ear, Tom smiles and nods his head. 

"Would you be so kind and follow me to the other side," Tom asks holding his hand out. "Please?" Dammit with the sexy please.

"Guess I can't say no since you used manners," I tease taking his hand. He leads me to the other side of the barrier and the interviewers immediately swarm us asking questions.

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