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It's been a lazy day. we'd spent most of it reading on the couch together, silent, for quite some time. We'd play a sort of peek-a-boo, seeing how long we could stare at the other person without getting caught directly. I tend to lose, but then you tend to cheat. Unless you call feigning masturbation, then just looking at me as I watch you fair play. hmph. If it weren't so damn hot, I think I'd be upset.

This is not quite that game though. Although my looks remain glances that flicker away as soon as you look up, yours become more and more pointed until finally I look up and you hold my gaze. Completely. Totally. I can't really explain. Just that this particular look in your eyes along, with a few others, grip me so strongly that I'm not sure anything could rip my attention away.

You continue to stare, the corners of your lips quirk upwards in a small, smirking smile as I try, and fail, to turn my attention back to the book I'm reading. A small foot slides its way out from the tangle of our legs and slides very slowly up and down the inner of my calf. Your smile grows as I react, mmm'ing very quietly and shifting my leg to give you better access. You watch me for a long moment before moving, putting your book down, then crawling up to straddle my lap and pull my forgotten book from my hands, slowly replacing the playing card I use to mark my place and put it down out of the way.

When you turn back towards me, you slide your hands over my shoulders then up my neck to tilt my head up so my lips can meet yours. The kiss is slow and thorough with tongues exploring each others mouth, teasingly wrestling with one other. My hands slide down your sides then around to the small of your back, lightly accentuating the grinding of your hips in my lap.

You growl and break the kiss, one hand's fingertips trailing lightly away from their place holding my jaw, the other's slipping up to bury itself in soft, dark hair, gripping tightly but not so much so as to cause pain. You tilt my head further up, staring down at me, I meet your gaze for a moment directly as the tip of my tongue darts across my lips, then drop mine for a moment before looking back up at you with my head tilted slightly downwards. You smile warmly for a moment, then lean in and lick my cheek and stand up, pulling me, grinning, after you by my collar.

Once in the bedroom you don't bother pointing or saying a thing. You simply pull my shirt over my head and drop it on the floor, muttering something about the rest waiting before tugging on my collar, forcing me down next to the bed as you walk into the closet where you keep most of the toys. I smile watching the soft grace of your movement, trying to think of anything I might have done recently that might bring particularly painful play. I can't think of anything, although that doesn't necessarily mean anything.

You're naked when you emerge, grinning, hands held behind your back. I smile, shyly for some reason, looking up at you with my head tilted slightly downward again. Smiling, that is, until I see what's in your hands. You're holding a pair of thin leather straps for binding wrists together. There's a ring where the two straps meet in the center. You're also holding the inflatable gag that goes with the straps you're carrying. It's got a ring matching that goes with the one on the straps near the buckle. I hate that thing. It's made of latex, which I don't mind in and of itself, I just don't care for the taste of that gag. And you, of course, know I don't like the taste.

My eyes slide from the gag back up to yours, pleading silently. This doesn't really do much for me, but somewhere in the back of my mind I figure that if I get my Sad Puppy Eyes just right maybe they'll get me something other than an, "Awww," and a pat on the head if you're in an indulgent mood. This time, you smile sweetly and skip the, "Awww," and just pat me on the head, soothingly running your fingers through my hair a few times before tilting my head up and sliding the gag past my lips. my tongue instantly recoils away from the gag, trying to keep my head from reflexively moving away from the gag.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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