Maternal&Child Nursing Part 7

Start from the beginning

b. Prevention of illness

c. Rehabilitation back to health

d. Promotion of health

12. In Community Health Nursing, which of the following is our unit of service as nurses?

a. The community.

b. The extended members of every family.

c. The individual members of the Barangay.

d. The family.

13. A very important part of the Community Health Nursing Assessment Process includes: 

a. the application of professional judgment in estimating importance of facts to family and community.

b. evaluation structures arid qualifications of health center team.

c. coordination with other sectors in relation to health concerns.

d. carrying out nursing procedures as per plan of action.

14. In community health nursing it is important to take into account the family health with an equally important need to perform ocular inspection of the areas activities which are powerful elements of:

a. evaluation

b. assessment

c. implementation

d. planning

15. The initial step in the PLANNING process in order to engage in any nursing project or parties at the community level involves:

a. goal-setting

b. monitoring

c. evaluation of data

d. provision of data

Situation 4 – Please continue responding as a professional nurse in these other health situations through the following questions.

16. Transmission of HIV from an infected individual to another person occurs:

a. Most frequency in nurses with needlesticks.

b. Only if there is a large viral load in the blood.

c. Most commonly as a result of sexual contact.

d. In all infants born to women with HIV infection.

17. The medical record of a client reveals a condition in which the fetus cannot pass through the maternal pelvis. The nurse interprets this as:

a. Contracted pelvis

b. Maternal disproportion

c. Cervical insufficiency

d. Fetopelvic disproportion

18. The nurse would anticipate a cesarean birth for a client who has which infection present at the onset of labor?

a. Herpes simplex virus

b. Human papillomavirus

c. Hepatitis

d. Toxoplasmosis

19. After a vaginal examination, the nurse determines that the client’s fetus is in an occiput posterior position. The nurse would anticipate that the client will have:

a. A precipitous birth

b. Intense back pain

c. Frequent leg cramps

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