After a few minutes, he sighed, exasperated, and slid his plate between us.

Grinning at him, I dug in.


After breakfast, Alby and Newt gathered all the boys in the center of the glade.

"Listen up," Alby yelled, gaining their attention. "As you all know, we're leaving the glade today. For good."

Everyone, including myself, stood there quietly.

"We don't know what's outside the maze. But, we're gonna find out. Get a weapon and meet us by the north doors in fifteen minutes."

After a moment, the gladers dispersed, leaving the boys and me together.

"Well," Alby said, "Are we forgetting anything?"

Thomas shook his head. "I don't think so."

Minho put a hand on Thomas's shoulder. "Well, were gonna go take one last look at the Map room to make sure we've got everything we need."

They walked off, and Alby turned to Newt and I. "I'm gonna go make sure that Winston's got the weapons under control. 

That left Newt and I alone. He grabbed both of my hands. "Are you ready, Love?"

"I guess," I said, looking at the Maze door. They looked even more uninviting today, with an unsettling calmness.

I felt him place a hand on my chin, and made me look at him. He suddenly kissed me. I kissed him back, surprised.

"Just in case," he said in a low tone after he broke it off a few moments later.

"Just in case," I repeated.

"Well, we should probably go get a spear or something." He said, putting a hand on my back and guiding me towards the center of the glade, where most of the boy were. "Gotta be prepared."

I silently nodded. Leaving the glade was bittersweet. It's all everyone's ever known.

As we got closer to the gladers, he and realized that something was wrong.

There was a bunch of yelling and moving, the harsh sound of Gally's voice rising above all others.

Newt I quickened our pace and pushed through the sea of boys.  In the center, it was a scene.

Winston stood there with his hands up, Ably next to him with a machete. Gally stood there, opposite to them with one raised as well. They were yelling at each other, and the boys surrounding were yelling as well.

"What's going on?" Newt yelled, but not nearly loud enough.

"Hey, what's going on?" I yelled about louder. No one payed attention. "HEY!"  I roared.

Everyone suddenly stopped and looked at me, and it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

"What the shuck is going on?" I growled.

Alby was the first to speak up. "Gally here wants to stay in the glade. He-"

Gally cut him off. "Some of us don't want to throw ourselves down the shucking Cliff, not knowing what's down there."

His builders stood behind him, weapons also raised.

"Alby, we can't make them go," Newt said, grabbing two spears off the table and handing one to me.

Alby sighed. "Fine," He said after a second.

"Good that," Gally said, and looked around. "Anyone one else want to stay?"

"I'm right here, Love."  TMR Newt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now