Chapter 34: Bedside Manners

Start from the beginning

I sighed deeply. I can’t handle this right now. “Well, that is just great. Thanks Katya. Let me know if there is anything else.”

“Will do, Mr. Royce.”


Moments later, a doctor appeared and everyone jumped up, eager to know any updates regarding Todd’s condition. It felt like we were waiting for years before she spoke, and Ava was squeezing my arm so tight, she was cutting off circulation.

Then she finally said the words,

“He’s stable…”

It’s something, but it’s not that far from his previous condition and I knew Ava felt the same way. Yes, she’s happy her brother’s not dead but being comatose is not that far from death.

Her shoulders sagged and she hung her head in disappointment. She doesn’t want him to be stable. She wants him to be up and about like he used to.


“And he’s awake.” She adds.


The Barons and Hanna all shot up and almost ran past the doctor before she even finished her sentence.

“Wait! Family only!”

“Everyone’s family here.” Carter declared, looking at me and Hanna before continuing to Todd’s room.


Ava held my hand tightly as we made our way to Todd’s room. She took a deep breath before following her family and Hanna inside. Once we entered, everyone was practically in tears and Carter was close to shedding a few himself.

“Oh! My baby!” Elizabeth Baron exclaimed, engulfing Todd in her arms.

“Hi, mom. I just got my life back, please don’t squeeze it out of me.” He croaks, hugging her back with one arm.


When she finally let go, Hanna practically fell over him and a tired smile spread across his pale lips.

“Hey, monkey. Did you miss me?” He says as he kisses the top of her head.

Hanna had no words. All she could do was nod against his neck where she buried her face.

“I missed you too.” he whispers.


Ava stood beside me, crying silently as she stared at her twin who has just come back from the dead.

Todd’s eyes found his sister’s and he grinned. He’s tired but he manages to smile for his twin.

“Well, don’t just stand there, sis. I know you missed me too.” He says with a smirk.


Ava looked up at me and I nod. “Go on.”

She makes a beeline to her brother and joins Hanna in the hug. “Don’t you dare get into a coma ever again!”

Ava exclaims as she cries into his chest.

“And what, leave you to be an only child? Not a chance! I would like my share of the Baron money.”


I shook my head. It’s like nothing’s changed.

Todd looked over the girls’ heads and at me. “Oliver.”

“Good to have you back, man. I don’t think I could replace my best man that easily.”

“If you replace me, she won’t marry you.” He points at Ava.


“I’m pretty sure she would leave me at the altar, yes.”


We shared a short laugh before he seemed to have remembered something.

“Uhm Olly, you mind doing me a favor?”

I nod as I walked over to his bed where Ava and Hanna refused to leave his side.

“I think the doctors have my things from the night of… you know. And I need you to get my keys.”

“Car keys? From the doctors?” I ask, confusion probably so easy to detect on my face.

“Yeah. My car’s still parked in Ava’s building. The DB9. There’s something I need you to get in the glove compartment. Is that okay?”


I fished for my own keys in my pocket. “What do you need me to get, exactly?”

He smiles, “You’ll know it when you see it.”

“Okay… Do I bring it back here?”



“Okay then, be right back.” I kissed the top of Ava’s head and went on my way.


You’ll know it when you see it


What does that mean?

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