Believing Possibilities- 1

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Miniwa Tsumiki's POV

"Tsumiki! What do you plan on giving us at the school year?"  Mayoi asks cheerfully, eyes sparkling. 

Today is the week before the end of this school year, Mayoi is bugging me recently about my gift to her. What’s the big deal? We will still see each other next year, so why give her one? I guess it isn’t abnormal, for this is Katase Mayoi we’re talking about. I would be surprised if she haven’t asked me..

“A lab coat.” I answer, after deciding thoroughly and carefully. I even had second thoughts about giving her a lab coat..

“Cool! I suggest you to buy a lab coat a half-size bigger than me.” She says. She pounded the table in excitement,  eyes still trained on me.

“How about you, Hime-chan?” Mayoi asks.

“Umm…..” Hime mumbles, eyes playing at her desk.

“I suggest I give you a…” She paused, then muttered at Hime’s ear..”Rated M CD Collection..” She finishes, making Hime bleed her nose.

“I- I don’t want that!” Hime exclaims, now sitting at the floor. She waved her hands from left to right, swaying her head at the same direction.

“Oh, yes you do.” Mayoi utters, a creepy smile glued in her face.

“Tsumiki! Help!” Hime cries, moving backwards.

Responding, I hit Mayoi smack-dab in the stomach. She groaned, as she collided the blackboard with a ‘thud’.

“Oww!” Mayoi declares, as she holds her stomach.

“Ohayou!/Ohayou.” The two lads, Sakaki and Io said in unison, making their eyes turn towards them.

“What happened?” Sakaki asks, head tilted.

Sakaki observes, finally noticing the dent on the blackboard and the person lying on the floor near it.

“Well, that happened.” He utters, before walking towards his seat.

“Ohayou, Tsumiki.” Io asks happily, patting my head, initiating my ears to grow.

“O-Ohayou.” I replied. Io stopped patting my head and continued to his seat.

After finally gaining consciousness, I hastily return to my seat, avoiding eye contact with Io.


“Yokatta!” Mayoi declares.

“Why don’t let’s play at the arcade for our hardwork today?” Sakaki suggests.

“Cool! Let’s do it then!” Mayoi agrees, then walks with Sakaki, pumping her fist in the air while walking.

Io, who overheard their conversation, sprinted. Upon reaching them, he held the ears of both of them with his hands.

“Have you forgotten that we have Final Exams this week?” Io asks, walking towards us, ears still held.

“Oh Yeah!” Mayoi says inoccently. She probably remembered it.

“Ugh.” Sakake complains, then fake cries.

“This will gonna be a long week..” I muttered walking towards my home.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2014 ⏰

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