The Fault In Our Lives [TheFaultInOurStarsOneshot]

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Hazel Grace Lancaster's funeral ended with An Imperial Affliction being placed on her coffin. Isaac didn't see any of it, of course, but Kaitlyn told him what was happening. They had grown closer since Hazel's condition had gotten worse. They had become friends, the same level of friendship that translated into playing The Price of Dawn repeatedly. Kaitlyn told him that she was buried without her cannula, which he thought was un-Hazel like. Isaac had reached out and touched her face at the open casket. Of course, people had thought it was weird for a boy to grope a dead girl's face, but he didn't care.

She was his last living connection to Gus.

The crowds were moving out. Kaitlyn took Isaac's hand to lead him away, but stopped. A tall boy with aviators and a trench coat was waiting for them.

"Are you Isaac?" He asked.

"Um, yeah. Can I help you?"

The guy cleared his throat. "I'm Tobias. My girlfriend, Georgia, she wanted me to give this to you." He said.

"It's a letter. She told me to give it to you at that Hazel girl's funeral. Um, please just read it? Or have someone read it to you.." He trailed off. Isaac nodded.

"Ok. Cool, I'll do that." Tobias shuffled and nodded, before turning and walking out of the cemetery.

Isaac fumbled with handing the letter to Kaitlyn. "Read this to me, would you?"

She took the letter carefully. "Sure."

Isaac could hear her open the envelope and pull the letter out. Kaitlyn cleared her throat and began to read:

"I'm Tobias Wenton. My existence, Georgia White, died on November 19th. She was eighteen years old. She wanted me to tell someone about us, and I chose you. So I'll just jump right in.

I met Georgia at a heavy metal vomit party. She was the lead singer for a band called Internal Complication. Great name, I know.

Seeing her on stage was tricky. She was unbelievably small and skinny. She had no hair at all. But despite her size, she could scream and sing like no other. It was amazing. Once I heard her voice, I knew I had to talk to her. I snuck back stage after the show. I barely got out a word out before she stopped me. She gave me this long winded speech about how she wasn't looking for a fling. She told me how she was sick, and that she didn't want me to be a waste of time. So, I told her if getting coffee was a ware of time, I didn't know what the world was coming to. She laughed at that.We left together and drank crap coffee in the street.

I cannot describe Georgia as anything but cute. Big brown eyes, chubby cheeks, pouty lips, long lashes. She was happy all the time. We started dating two weeks after meeting each other. Our days consisted of parties, drinks, and sleeping. On other days we would lay in the grass and just talk. Geo, which was my favourite nickname for her, had leukaemia. She was having chemotherapy for it, and it drained her. But I was there for every hospital visit and family gathering, even though her family hated me. I was with her through everything.

I told her I loved her the first time she collapsed into tears from depression. I repeated it over and over. Finally, she would say it back. But depression didn't go away. She went to support group and met Hazel Lancaster and Augustus Waters. I as always waiting for her when it was over and I always listened when she told me about it afterwards. She was always happy and excited. I loved her more than anything.

We ran away to Vegas after her parents kicked her out. They just kicked their cancer patient daughter out of the house. I hated them for that.

We got married in one of those elope wedding chapels. Our rings were just cheap black ones we'd bought the day before, but we didn't care. We were unbelievably happy. That didn't last long.

Geo's health fell. The chemo stopped working. She got pale and grew weak. I can't describe how sickly she looked, I don't like to remember her that way. I stayed in the hospital with her, and she would read to me or we would play games. We did this until what she called her Last Good Day. She told me she was so happy she had found me, that she loved me more than anything. She died holding my hand.

Love isn't like a Disney movie. It doesn't always have a happy ending. But Geo wasn't scared of dying, and I let her go. I loved her. With all of my being, I loved her. She was everything to me. I never knew that the world had anything that was beautiful until I met her. She was my Geo.

She got that life sucked. And it still does. But she was happy to exist, happy to live while she could. She once told me that Augustus had said that he was on a roller coaster that only went up. I hope she's riding on that roller coaster with Augustus and Hazel.

Geo, my love, I cannot express my love for you. You are my very essence. I love you so much.

-Tobias Wenton."

Kaitlyn finished. By the end, she was crying. Isaac sighed and rubbed the spot where his eyes had been.

"Damn. All this love crap is messing me up."

But he still tucked the letter into his pocket and took Kaitlyn's hand.

"Let's go.." He said quietly, walking the same path Tobias had when he handed them the letter and turned away.Isaac felt the ground with his cane, secretly wishing to be on the same roller coaster that the past cancer patients were. Kaitlyn was still sniffling.

"Man, all this cancer patient love is..." He searches for the right word.

"Beautiful." Kaitlyn said.

Isaac nodded.

"Yeah, beautiful."

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