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The fools do as the foolish have always done
And the foolish have always failed
Dust off the ashes and hide the guns
We're here to tell their tale

You spun castles of haystack-gold in the air
Then you set off, stomach full of hope
Didn't notice when something reached around you
And dragged you down by the neck with a rope

Disillusioned but not a grain wiser
You would cry because "no one let you win"
Kissed the seams of God's velvet chair
But faith was just a summer fling

"I can help myself better than He" you scream
Venture the skies with a ladybug in hand
Ever the valiant warrior, you
Know your welcome home will be grand

We shake you off our property
And onto the chilly street
Time rests up there in the clouds
You've been gone forever in New Jersey

We don't want your schemes and ideas
I only ever wanted a friend
But you crashed too far and hard
You were long gone by the season's end

Ride your chariot against the wind
To the junkyard, to the purple moor
In the August monsoon showers
And onto the bathroom floor

The foolish do as they've always done
And I'm expected to tell your tale
About how the rain never came in drops
And you could never find a pail

About how you drowned in a downpour of thoughts
And how you never left a trail

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2018 ⏰

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