"They all turn out like you?" Sam speaks once more.


"Could the doctor control them?" Steve takes over the questioning.


"Said he wanted to see an empire fall."

"With these guys he could do it. They speak 30 languages, can hide in plain sight, infiltrate, assassinate, destabilize. They can take a whole country down in one night. You'd never see them coming." Sam walks in front of me and he and Steve begin talking to one another. I continue looking forwards at Bucky as he lowers his head down. Sam and Steve's mumbling goes even quieter as they make their way out of the room, leaving Bucky and me alone.

"You're being uncharacteristically quiet." Bucky speaks but doesn't move to look at me, almost as if he were scared to see the expression I'm holding on my face.

"You were really going easy on me in training." A smirk forms on my lips and he looks up, his face serious.

"Did I hurt you?" I quickly shake my head no.

"I'm too good." Bucky rolls his eyes as I smile. "Even if you did, I can heal myself." I stand up and take a few steps closer to him before sitting once more, so there wasn't so much empty space between us.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" My voice comes out weaker than I had wanted it to, but my eyes don't leave his. He pauses for a moment, scanning my face.

"I didn't want you-"

"You didn't have to suffer alone." He looks taken aback for a second. He was expecting me to be angry with him, to see him as a monster as he did. "It wasn't you who killed my parents Bucky. It was HYDRA. You had no say in the matter, so the only thing I'm mad about, is the fact that you internalized everything for so long. You didn't have to go through those memories alone."

"I've done so many horrible things."

"I know."

"Then how can you still look at me like that?"

"Because it wasn't you. Bucky didn't do those things, the Winter Soldier did. In my mind, they're two completely different people." Bucky remains silent as I speak. "The Winter Soldier would've killed me that day in the ally. Bucky not only let me live, but he took me in. You helped me, Bucky. I would trust you with my life, and there's nothing that can change that." A small smile forms on Bucky's lips as he looks back down to the floor, shaking his head.

"How can you be so forgiving?"

"Because there's nothing to forgive. The people who were responsible for what happened have already been dealt with."

"I don't deserve this." I move forward to place my hand on his knee.

"You deserve to be happy, Barnes." I smile before standing up and beginning to make my way out of the room. "Deal with it."


Another pretty short chapter but this was all I had planned for this one and didn't want to merge this with the next one 'cause they're two very different moods and then it would be super long.

I saw Ant-Man and the Wasp on Monday (I'm actually writing this right after watching it) and it was really great! I loved it. Marvel has been making some super great villains lately and I love it cause they're also likable (not including the big purple grape).

Also, I forgot to tell you guys in the last chapter, my sister works at a movie theater and she managed to get me the original infinity war poster for my birthday and I'm absolutely blown away. It still says May 4th as the release date. I'm currently trying to decide if I should just hang it up now or get it framed.

Question of the week:

What's your favorite gift that you've received (or given if you prefer to give)?

Honestly I'm super excited about the infinity war poster so as of right now, I think I'm gonna say that but I've also received some great Disney stuff and mugs (I'm obsessed) as well.

My favorite gift I've given was my sister's Christmas gift this year because I got her a picture frame and filled it with pictures of myself and I still think it was hilarious. I did get more serious pictures to put in there as well, though.

I hope everyone has a great week!

(I know this is going on forever just hang in there)
I'm actually going to be out of town starting the day this is posted (I'm writing in advance so this may be posted Friday instead of Saturday I'm not sure yet, but I'm leaving Saturday) and I'll be gone the whole week and I'm not sure what the WiFi is going to be like so the next update may be a few days late, however I do plan on having it pre-written so it's ready if I'm able to post.

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