Not the Plan

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This is never what he wanted for you. This wasn't part of the plan. This wasn't supposed to happen.

You hummed to yourself as you stirred the big pot of chili on the stove, the radio poured out the soft sweet musical notes from yours and your husbands' special song. Clint and you were wed almost two years ago, and lived together happily in an apartment down the block from the Stark Tower where you both worked. Clint was part of the Avengers, you were a private assistant to THE Nick Furry.

You hummed along to that special song and swayed your hips finding the sweet rhythm of the music. You were so happy and peaceful, until CRASH! The door banged open and flew straight off its hinges. You instinctively ran for the bedroom at the very back of the apartment, but you didn't make it. A sharp pain hit your neck, you stopped dead your tracks, and yanked the little dart out of your skin, realizing what was happening you tried to scream, but hit the floor first.

When you opened your eyes, your hands and feet were bound and your mouth gagged. You called out for Clint, although you knew he would not be there. Your eyes filled with tears, a gruff voice called out to you,

"Shut up, bitch"

You stopped screaming for fear of being punished. Your heart thundered in your chest, as a heavy door opened and a huge hand lifted you up by your neck. Someone cut the bonds on your feet so you could walk.

"Come on sweetheart you are going home," came the owner of the large hands voice. You were scarred out of your wits, you had a feeling that you would not be going home anytime soon.

Instead they blindfolded you and took you God knows where. When you could see again, you were on top of a very large building. On your knees. In front of you was the Avengers team minus Tony... You took that as a good sign. Clint looked at you intently. The gag ripped from your mouth, "Clint!" you shouted.

"It's gonna be okay baby, I promise," he called. A heavy weight fell upon your right temple, you glanced up slightly to confirm your fear. A gun barrel.

"Oh God, please no..." the cold weight pressed you further. You bit your lip.

"Let her go, she's not part of this," Steve said in an authoritative voice.

"Is she now?" said the owner of the gun. "Comply with our demands and we will be happy to let the girl go,"

You knew that whatever the demands were they couldn't be good, they never are. So you stared at Clint and shook your head as discreetly as possible. His eyes widened and he scowled at you, mentally scolding you for suggesting letting them keep you from him.

Just then Tony zoomed up behind the men keeping you captive in his newest Iron Man suit. He shot a couple times with his hand laser things, you took the opportunity to try to run to Clint and the others while the guards were distracted, Clint was running towards you, then above all the commotion there was a regular gun shot.

The whole world went into slow motion, as you watched Clint pull up short and maybe scream your name only to continue his mad dash towards you. Your blouse felt hot and wet around a focal point directly in the center of your chest. Your legs gave out and you dropped like a stone.

Then came the pain, it hit like semi-truck. You already knew you weren't going to make it out of this. Clint slid on his knees and scooped you up into his arms, he shook you like a child, called your name.

Tears spilled from your eyes and you began to choke on the blood that was pooling up at the back of your throat. "Cl-clint," you coughed out.

He hugged you tightly,

"Baby I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry baby. I'm I'm sorry. Baby I love you so much. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry Baby," he sobbed.

You choked on the blood, barely able to get out the words, "It-h-h-hurts," you coughed out splattering blood on his uniform. Hot tears streamed down for cheeks.

"I-I know Baby, I know" he held you close. You were dying and he knew it. This isn't what he wanted. This wasn't the plan. And as you drained out of your own body you saw Clint's beautiful eyes chockfull of tears and knew exactly how much he loved you.

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