♧ Harper's New Life ♧

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Hello! Nice to know someone is reading this Also, sorry for the bad artwork, it was so you could get a rough idea of the character's appearances and what was going on!
This is a story set in a very large school for royalty and those of extreme wealth, talent and intelligence. The age range of the students is from ages eleven to eighteen. Every year, there is an election for the most "perfect" student, and then the Queen makes the final decision of who gets to become a "card". Our story starts with a very brainy fourteen year old named Harper, who is chosen to be in the House Of Royal Cards. But once she arrives and meets the other cards, she realises their lives aren't as perfect as they seem, and the scandal, drama and secrets, and the truth behind the House Of Royal Cards might be too much to take.

"And the new Club Chair is..."
The deafening drumroll resounded in the dark hall, and the students waited impatiently to know which of the ten selected students on stage was elected to move to the special school specifically for the nine most gifted students. Suddenly, a spotlight flashed and as the students blinked rapidly to see who had taken the place of Club Chair, a shower of white rose petals fluttered down from the ceiling.
"Harper Darlington!!"
The students clapped as Harper stood in a daze. Although she acted calm and elegantly while receiving her cape of white roses and golden club badge, she was giddy with joy on the inside.
Harper was a very intelligent and hardworking student, always behaving with grace and maturity.

Harper was a very intelligent and hardworking student, always behaving with grace and maturity

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She took all her classes very seriously, but her favourite class was poetry. Since joining the academy, she'd worked extremely hard to become the Club Chair, and now, at the age of fourteen, her goal was achieved.
Two Chairs entered with warm smiles. First entered the King Chair, the handsome and adored Harry Evans.

 First entered the King Chair, the handsome and adored Harry Evans

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He entered and kindly bowed to Harper. Next came the beloved and beautiful Queen Chair, Anastasiya Honour, who stopped and stared at Harper for a short while, before she beamed and gently hugged her.

 Next came the beloved and beautiful Queen Chair, Anastasiya Honour, who stopped and stared at Harper for a short while, before she beamed and gently hugged her

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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