The accident

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Camryn's POV

We went on a few more rides, then we got ice cream. We were coming out from the ice cream shop, and I slipped on ice cream on the ground. I landed on the ground, with a thud, and Colby and Aaron ran over to help me up. "Are you okay Camryn?" Colby asked looking at me concerned. "Camryn are you good?" Aaron asked "No. I can't get up." I said as I tried to get up. "Becky! Taylor! We need you." Colby called. They both ran over. "Camryn can't get up. Taylor pick them up." Aaron told them. Taylor bent down and picked me up, and I rested my head on his shoulder. I then felt a sudden urge, to kiss him on the cheek . So I went for it, and Taylor kissed me on my cheek. Colby walked on my left side, Aaron walked on my right, and Becky walked behind us. They helped me sit down. Colby sat on my right and Aaron sat next to him and Becky, while Taylor sat on my left.  "Taylor." I said, wanting to ask him something. "Yes love?" he replied. "Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked him. "Yes. 1000 times yes." he replied. I rested my head on Colby's shoulder. "This hurts so much." I said as I was crying in pain, "I know. I know. Take deep breaths baby." Taylor told me. I was in so much pain that it was hard to breathe. "I'm literally in so much pain." I said crying even more. "Let's tell someone to call an ambulance." Becky said,as soon I heard those words I panicked in my head. "I'm terrified of hospitals and of needles." I shuddered. "We'll be there to hold your hands." Aaron told me."We'll all be right there sweetie." Becky added. Once the ambulance got there, they told me one person could go with me, and everyone else would have to follow in a car behind us. Colby came with me, in the ambulance, and he tried to reassure me that everything would be okay. He grabbed my hand, and held it. "I'm scared I'm scared." I told him, "I know Camryn. Just breathe. It's alright." Colby told me. We met the other 3 at the hospital. They got me in a room, and into a gown and in a bed. Next I then had to take x rays. We finished with that, and they put me back into my room. The doctor came in and said that I broke my leg in 6 places. He said I needed surgery and asked if I wanted to be awake for it. "No that's okay. I would rather be asleep."  I told him "Okay. The nurse will give you an IV, to get fluids in you. Then another one to help you go to sleep. She'll be in to do that in a few minutes." he stated and left the room. "I'm scared. Oh my god. I'm really scared."  I told Colby, Taylor , Aaron, and Becky. "Everything will be okay. We're not going to leave your side until you're asleep."  Becky told me reassuringly.  "Calm down  beautiful. You're okay." Taylor told me, I blushed , and he  grabbed my hand.  "Camryn we won't leave you." Aaron told me. "We'll be here every step of the way." Colby added. Then the nurse walked in , she had blonde hair, and deep green eyes. She was really cute. "Hi Camryn , I'm Ariana. I'm your nurse, that will be right by your side during surgery, and I'm here to give you an IV." she said and smiled. Colby and Aaron moved closer once she said that. "Hi Ariana. I'm Becky, this is Aaron, Colby, and Taylor." Becky said as she pointed to each of the guys. "How are you guys?" Ariana asked all the boys. "Good." they replied in unison. "Camryn are you afraid of needles?" Ariana asked me. "Yes. Very  afraid, on a scale of 1-10 10.5." I told her. "Try not to concentrate on it. Take a deep breath, when I insert it." she told me. Colby and Aaron each grabbed one of my hands "Squeeze  when it hurts." Colby told me. I squeezed for a long time, before she even tried to do it. "Okay ready?" Ariana asked me, as Becky and Taylor scooted closer. "I'm scared." I told Becky . "It's okay. Just breathe." Becky replied. I was shaking a lot, and I was hyperventilating. "Can I talk to y'all outside?" Ariana asked Becky, Taylor,  Aaron, and Colby, "Of course. We'll be right back." Colby told me as they all left. They all came back 5 minutes later, and Colby and Aaron rushed to my side. "Ariana's going to come back to do this in a few minutes, so we can calm you down." Becky told me. "I'm terrified of needles too babe." Taylor told me, in an effort of trying to provide comfort. "Just breathe it's okay. Just breathe in and out." Aaron told me. "It'll only hurt for a second, it's a few little pokes. It's okay." Becky added. Ariana walked back in with the needle in her hand. Once I looked it I started shaking again. Colby and Aaron grabbed my hands, and Becky and Taylor put their hands on my shoulder to hold me down. "Are you ready Camryn?" Ariana asked "Yes." I replied and took a deep breath. "Squeeze when it hurts." Colby and Aaron told me. "Do you want us to get you ice cream after you're done?" Taylor asked and smiled "Yes please." I told him. "Here we go. Take a deep breath Camryn." Ariana said as she inserted the needle while I squeezed Colby and Aaron's hands. "Almost done. You're doing great Camryn." Becky told me . "You're doing good babe!! Just a few more minutes until you're good." Taylor told me. "Keep breathing, you're doing great. Just a few more pokes." Colby told me, as I continued to squeeze their hands. "You're doing amazing. Just a few more pokes. Almost done, keep taking deep breaths." Aaron told me. "And done." Ariana said as she took off her gloves. "You did great Camryn. The fluids are going into you. I'll be back in 30 minutes." she said. "Yes Camryn you did it! We're so proud of you." Colby said. "Great job sweetie, you did great." Becky told me as she got up to move to another spot. We talked about Magcon,tour,music, and ice cream, until Ariana came back 30 minutes later. "Hey Camryn. Are you ready for your next one?" she asked. "Yup." I told her. Everyone went to their places, and I took a deep breath. "Take a deep breath." Aaron told me, as she got the needle out. I grabbed Aaron's and Colby's hand, as she inserted the needle, and squeezed. "Keep taking deep breaths. In and out." Becky told me, as she tightened her grip on my shoulder.  "You're doing great. Just a few more minutes. I'm proud of you baby girl." Taylor told me. "You're doing great. Just keep breathing. Deep breaths." Colby told me,as I squeezed his hand. "You're doing it Camryn. I'm proud of you." Aaron told me. "Alright Camryn you're all done, I'll be back in 45 minutes to take you to surgery." Ariana said as she left the room.

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