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Last Name: Devin

Middle Name: Ii

First Name: Junko

Nickname(s): Jun, 'Ko (only is allowed to be called that by her twin) and Ii (called that by her mother (and half-mother if SpoopyInvestigator- wants))

Nationality: Half-Hispanic, Quarter-Irish, Quarter-Japanese

Age: 14 and a half

Sexuality: Bisexual (no preference)


Height: 6"0

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Height: 6"0

Birthday: December 25th

Ultimate: Investigator (any better ideas?)

Kill or be killed: Kill

Killing method: Driving to suicide

Likes: Reading, being with her twin, sleeping.

Dislikes: Waking up early, school.

Fears: Losing her family (twin, half-sibling, mother, father, uncle, aunt, or half-mother)

Strengths: Records information down from everyone, and knows information about killing and such from all three of her parents.

Overall personality: Very attached to her twin and would do anything for her family. She does, however, try to go with logic in many situations and tries to ignore her feelings unless a loved one is in serious danger.

Habits: tapping a pen on any surface, biting her lip when thinking, worried, angry or sad.

Allergies: Nothing

Parents: Elizabeth Hale and Franklin Devin (Video_Gxme_Desxigner )

Other: None

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