I got tagged

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i got tagged by Themurdurusflower2 (go follow her)

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i got tagged by Themurdurusflower2 (go follow her)

1. (name) No one. (i dont wanna say at the moment)

2. (age) sorry. i dont have a life.

3. (best friends) Call_Of_The_Night The_Wonderland_Freak

4. (relationship status) taken

5. (piercings) Ears

6. (piercings you want) nose

7. (tattoos) nope

8. (tattoos you want) lyrics. probably at the moment i want "The Ghost of you is close to me" (from "goner" by tøp)

9. (fave blog) IDK

10. (meaning behind my URL) huh??

11. (fave band) P!ATD, FOB, MCR, TØP, IDKHBTFM, and PARAMORE.

12. (fave movie) IT, jamanji, and the greatest showman.

13. (a fact about my personality) i am psycho.

14. (hate most about me) EVERYTHING

15. (love most about me) how somehow i have friends...

16. (what i want to be when im older) in a band with Call_Of_The_Night

17. (idea of perfect date) going killing peeps. or going to a concert or shopping for emo stuff

18. (hate most) ME. school. bullies.

19. (weekness) seeing edits of MCR or getting G NOTED

20. (phobia) myselfaphobia (i dont think that exists but its a phobia of myself)

21. (hate most about school) everything

22. (things i find attractive in girls) uuuhhhh

23. (biggest turn on) uuuuh..

24. (biggest turn off) uuuuuuuhhh..

25. (random fact) im insane

26. (a quote) Ive got two faces.. blurrys the one im not.. (this isnt a quote but a lyric from "goner")

27. (something i need to get off my chest) im gay

28. (description of the person i hate and why) i hate myself because im fat, ugly, stupid, annoying, and loads more

29. (last time i cried and why) i cried over the girl i like

30. (looks or personality) personality. it always gets me places.



(1 of these are my accounts lol)

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