"God, thank you so much for Mark and for the tremendous blessing he already is in my life. He is such a wonderful man and I know he will make an amazing father one day..." Jamie continued to pray out loud, causing several people to stare and drag their kids in the other direction.

A few minutes into her prayer, she was interrupted by a young woman with a thick British accent. "Ma'am are you okay?" Jamie opened her eyes, slightly startled. "Oh yes, I'm sorry, I was just praying. Sometimes I get so absorbed in my prayers that I forget other people are listening." Her eyes wandered over to the faces of surprised people who were walking away, and she laughed quietly to herself.

"Oh, okay!" The young lady smiled. "My name is Annmarie Kenton." Jamie smiled and shook her hand. Annmarie was average height, she had a black pixie cut and her amber eyes twinkled like gold. "I'm Jamie. Jamie Griffin." Jamie returned the smile and the handshake.

"Are you a Christian?" Annmarie asked. "Why yes, yes I am. Are you?" Jamie asked. Annmarie nodded her head. "Oh that's wonderful!" They both said at the same time, which caused them to laugh. Seeing the ring on Jamie's hand, Annmarie asked, "Are you married?"

Jamie nodded and explained that her husband Mark was here for a pastor's conference. Annmarie opened her mouth in shock and explained that her husband was here for the same conference. "Wow, God is good isn't he?" Jamie asked. "Yes, yes he is. Who would have guessed I would meet someone who's husband was at the same conference?"

Jamie and Annmarie chatted away and Jamie suggested they stop for some coffee on the way back to "pick up their husbands". They both laughed at that statement. When they reached the building, they noticed that their husbands had apparently already met as well. As Jamie and Annmarie got closer, they could hear Mark talking to Jeffrey, Annmarie's husband about his church.

"Ah I see you two have already met as well." Mark said giving Jamie a kiss. "Why yes, yes we have. God works in mysterious ways, does he not?" Jamie smiled and introduced Mark to Annmarie, who in turn introduced Jeffrey to Jamie. "Is anyone else hungry?" Jeffrey asked, rubbing his stomach. The whole group agreed and soon they were getting to know each other over sandwiches in a local deli. "So how did you meet?" Jamie asked. Jeffrey and Annmarie smiled at each other before telling Jamie and Mark.

"We both met in high school," Annmarie started, "and it was senior year. I had just moved to the town where Jeffrey lived and when we met on the first day of school we immediately hit it off." Jeffrey piped in. "I couldn't help but feel that she was the right one for me, and so within three days I asked her to be my girlfriend."

Mark interrupted. "Were you both Christians at the time?" Jeffrey and Annmarie both shook their heads 'no' and Annmarie continued. "We were both raised in Christian homes but we never really committed to a relationship with Christ, but that changed. We continued to date throughout senior year and it soon came time for senior prom. After prom, we will went out partying and-" Annmarie was suddenly caught up in a ball of emotions, and sensing her dilemma, Jeffrey took over.

"We both got drunk at the party. That night we both did something we regret and a week later we received news in the form of two lines that Annmarie was pregnant." Jamie put her hand to her mouth, dozens of questions darting through her mind. "We knew we couldn't tell our parents, and we didn't know who to turn to. One of the doctors suggested abortion, and thank God we had the sense to keep the baby." Jeffrey's shoulder drooped and Annmarie resumed.

"We eventually told our parents and we were shocked that they weren't upset. They were still angry, but they had a grandbaby on the way. They said that they would let us continue living in our houses if we agreed to go to church. So we started going, but we didn't really feel affected until that day." Annmarie and Jeffery looked into each other's eyes and Jamie could feel the sadness between them.

"What happened?" Mark asked. Jeffrey answered, "We went in for the five month check up, excited to learn the gender of the baby. Only when they doctor did the ultrasound, she found no heartbeat. The baby had died, and Annmarie had a miscarriage." Jamie felt tears welling up in her eyes and she reached her hand across the table to comfort Annmarie, who took it gladly.

Jeffery continued. "Annmarie and I felt like our world had been shattered. We were so excited for this baby, and then it died. We were so angry, and we refused to go to church. It was almost five months to the day when we went back to church for the first time. On the day that our baby should have been due, the pastor spoke about trials and how they make us stronger."

"There were two births that day." Annmarie said, taking over. "Our baby should have been born into this world, but instead Jeffrey and I were born into God's kingdom." Annmarie paused and grabbed Jeffrey's hand. "That was five years ago. After we graduated high school, we both went off to universities. Through it all we stayed together. After we graduated, we got married, and now we're expecting again." Annmarie smiled through her tears. "God used the death of an unborn baby to cause two new births. I will never fully understand why, but I can say I probably wouldn't be a Christian today if it wasn't for that."

Jamie and Mark sat speechless. "Wow." They both said at the same time. The waiter came by, and seeing that everyone had tears in their eyes, asked if the food was okay. Jeffrey laughed. "My friend, the food was amazing, but my Savior is awesome." This comment was met with several "amen's" from those at the table and a confused look from the waiter.

As the two couples left the restaurant, they promised to get together more throughout the week. "They sure have some testimony." Mark said as he and Jamie sat down on the park bench. "So do we darling." Jamie said. "Ours may not be as dramatic, but we were both so broken when we talked that night at The Nook, and only God was able to repair our hearts." Mark kissed his wife on the forehead and they sat there on the park bench, taking in the glorious day and the glorious presence of their Savior.

Sometime later, Mark glanced at his watch. "Hey Jamie, would you like to get some dinner? It's almost seven." Jamie checked her own watch, amazed at how fast the time had flown. "Is it really that late? Wow." Mark chuckled and offered Jamie his arm as they walked back to the hotel, where dinner was being served.

After dinner, Jamie and Mark walked down to the edge of the road overlooking the Thames River. Off in the distance they could see the sun setting. "Jamie, my love, with all of the sun shining on you, I can say that you've never looked more beautiful." Jamie blushed. Mark grabbed her hands and yanked her toward him, wrapping his arms around her in a warm embrace. "I love you so much, dear." He whispered.

Jamie looked up into his hazel eyes, smiled, and said sweetly, "I love you more."

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