"I call dibs"

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Remember hiccup and the gang are 16-17 years old so this is before httyd 2 so stoick is still alive and I didn't know where berk is located at so I just said in the middle of nowhere so yea enjoy :)


"This is berk not a lot of people come here probably cause it's an island in the middle of nowhere and also we ride dragons but when someone appears out of no where it kinda gets suspicious but we won't know until we find out"

"Can I have everyone's attention!" Stoick said (chief of berk) "as you know berk is having it's first snoggletog dance...." Everyone cheered "settle down,settle down it will be a night to remember" everyone cheers again

When the meeting was over hiccup and the gang were talking about the dance

"I can't wait I can just imagine it" astrid said happily

Everyone starts staring at her

"What a girl can't dream?" Astrid said crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow

"Yes they can"said snotlout with a flirty voice "and some dream of me" smiling

Astrid put her hands on her mouth and looking sick

"I have to go and get everything ready" she said while jumping on stormfly (her dragon, deadly nadder) and flies away

"I have to go too I have to wake up early and see trader Johann to get the supplies for the dance my dads making me decorate it" hiccup said (hiccups dad is the chief stoick the vast)

"I just hope astrid doesn't make yak nog this year" said tuffnut worried (the boy twin)

"Yeah!" Everyone said

"Well bye guys see you tomorrow " said hiccup

everyone got on their dragon hiccup on toothless (night fury) the twins ruffnut and tuffnut on barf and beltch (hideous supple back had two heads) fishlegs on meatlug (gronkle) snoutlout on hookfang (monstrous nightmare) and they all took off

The next day hiccup work up early waited for trader johann for 2 hours went back home and slept..... For about 5 minutes before stoick comes in

"Hiccup!"he yells "trader johann was suppose to be here 2 hours ago I want you and the rest to go look for johann"

"Ugh dad I know that's why I came back and every time we look we don't find him and when we come back he's here already" said hiccup

"Hiccup go! He said furious

"But dad-" stoick cut him off


"Okay" he said softly and quiet while getting out of bed

Hiccup and the rest go looking for johann

"Why are we looking let's go back he's probably there already!" Said snotlout wanting to go home

"That's what I said, let's go back"said hiccup

"Hey wait what's that?" Said astrid looking down

They saw a raft of wood flooding in the water with someone or something on it with a black blanket covering it

"I don't know it could be trader johann wait here I'll go check" hiccup said worried

Hiccup goes to see an takes the covers off

" What is it?" Astrid said worried

"It's a girl, she's unconscious" he yelled back

She had short red hair with bangs covering one of her eyes

"I CALL DIBS!" snotlout yelled as loud as he could

"Snotlout it's a girl!" said astrid mad

"I know" he said as he winked

Astrid punched him

"Don't get jealous astrid" said snotlout smiling


Hiccup reached for her making toothless go down he finally gets her and she's in his arms hiccup looks at her and heard her breathing

"Guys she's alive"

"Yes!" snotlout said happily "remember I called dibs"

Astrid looked at hiccup and didn't like him carring another girl we berly know she felt worried a few years ago the same thing happened with heather turns out she was working for the out casts who tried to Steal the book of dragons she could let that happen again

They all went back to berk with the girl in hiccups arms


So hope you liked it ahh nervous xD so comment vote or like if you liked cx so bye

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