The time I went out for a birthday meal and met my new 'mom' and hated her

Start from the beginning

"Okay. I love you. You're gonna be a great mom." I replied kissing her. I went into the house and up to my room.

Ava's PoV
I woke up to the left side of my face stinging and a sharp pain in my right side. I opened my eyes to see Juliet hovering over me. "Get the fuck up and into the house." She muttered. Scared of what she would do I obeyed her orders and went straight to my room.

"Hey Av-" Brendon tried to say before I slammed my door.

"Babe just let her sleep. She's had a long day." I heard Juliet say before hearing her kiss him.

I got no sleep since all I could hear was the sound of skin on skin and moaning. I sat in the corner of my room sobbing the entire night. At like 5am I managed to fall asleep.

"Ava. We gotta go to the studio earl- Ava? Why aren't you in bed?" Brendon asked as I opened my eyes. "And why are your eyes red and puffy?"

"I had a panic attack at like 4am. It was only a little one." I half lied.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"No. Um... not really."

"Okay let's go." On the way to the studio I fell asleep and had a nightmare. In the nightmare Juliet was being abusive towards me and it was rubbing off on Brendon. I was woken up by Brendon and my whole body was shaking. "I'm gonna call Pete to come pick you up. Today everyone was gonna give you your birthday presents but I'll just get them."

He got our the car and called Pete. This time I didn't listen in and just leaned my head against the window, soon falling asleep again.

A few minutes later, Pete arrived. Brendon picked me up and put me in the passenger seat of Pete's car. He put my bag by my feet and pulled a blanket out, laying it on top of me. "I'll see you later. I love you." Brendon said kissing my forehead.

"I love you too." I replied. He closed the door and I started falling asleep again.

I woke up and I wasn't in the car. I was in a bed. I got up and splashed water in my face then went downstairs. Pete was on the couch and he was on the phone. I sat down on the couch opposite and waited.

He finished the phone call and turned to me. "What happened?" He asked.

"Well, first of all, Brendon's girlfriend's a bitch." I replied. "Second of all, I got no sleep because I was having a panic attack and then when that subsided all I could hear was skin slapping on skin and moans of them both. I also found out Brendon has a Daddy kink. Which is kinda weird now since I'm his daughter. Ew."

"Why's Brendon's girlfriend a bitch?"

"Brendon told her to wake me up and then he went inside. The bitch slapped me and threw me onto the floor. Now I have a huge bruise on my side and I wanna kill her."

"Show me." I pulled up my t-shirt so he could see the bruise and he grimaced as if he felt the pain. "She did that."

"Yeah. She fucking threw me into the car door."

"You have to tell Brendon."

"He won't believe me."

"Wait. Track back a second. How do you know Brendon has a daddy kink?"

"I heard him say 'you're so good for daddy' and then I put my headphones on. I couldn't listen anymore. It was so gross."

"I feel bad now. Do you wanna stay the night?" I shrugged. "I'll ask Brendon to bring your stuff."

"Okay." I got my phone out and had three missed calls. 2 from Jake and 1 from Brendon. I FaceTimed Jake and he picked up immediately. "Hey Jake."

"Hey baby girl." He replied.

"How's New York?"

"Good. I found a friend." He pointed the camera at Kayla.


"Ava? Jake give me your phone now." Kayla asked grabbing the phone from him. "Ava. How are you? How's life with Brendon? Is that your house? It's really nice."

"Woah. Slow down." I replied. "I'm alright. Life with Brendon's pretty shitty at the moment. This is Pete's house. Pete say hi." I pointed the phone at him and he waved.

"Why is life shitty?"

"Brendon's girlfriend's a fake bitch and I might be stuck with her."

"What did she do? I will stab her if sh-"

"Slapped me and then threw me out the car making sure I hit the door."

"That little b-" Jake grabbed his phone back and his face was really concerned.

"You're okay though right?" He asked. I nodded and he sighed in relief. "Thank god. I thought I was gonna have to take a plane back."

"Why would you have to take a plane ba-" Jake hung up. "Okay then bye?"

"Brendon asked why you wanna stay." Pete told me.

"Just say nevermind. I'm just gonna go home. Can we go to the studio. I need to talk to Brendon." I said grabbing my stuff.

When we got to the studio Brendon was waiting in the main area. "Hey guys." He said. I mustered up a fake smile but he knew straight away. "Ava. What happened?"

"Ask your bitch of a girlfriend." I replied.

"You have no right to call her a bitch."

"I do when she physically abused me!" I ran upstairs and into one of the rooms. Tyler and Josh were in there. "Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. I'll just go."

"No Ava. Stay. You can watch us practice if yo- what's wrong?" Tyler asked.

"Yesterday, on the way home from the meal, I fell asleep in the car. Brendon told Juliet to wake me up. She slapped me and threw me on the floor and now he's trying to say that I have no right to call her a bitch after she physically abused me." I explained. Josh picked me up and my side hurt. I hissed in pain and he put me down.

"Did I hurt you?" Josh asked.

"I have a huge bruise there." I replied showing them.


"It's fine."

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