Chapter 5

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Before you could even stop him, Neymar's fist was colliding with Oscar's face.

"Baby, stop! Guys please don't fight!" You yelled, tears streaming down your face. It was no use though, Neymar and Oscar were punching each other back and forth and you could hear Davi crying downstairs.

"How the hell could you possibly do this? Not only did you betray me, you betrayed my girlfriend! You forced her into this you bastard..." You heard Neymar yell.

"You don't deserve her!" Oscar yelled back, smashing Neymar's jaw. You covered your eyes and ran out of the bedroom and down the stairs. Davi was huddled in the corner, his knees tucked to his chest and tears streaming down his face.

"Daddy?" He whimpered, not lifting his face to check who was next to him.

"No, it's me," You soothed, kissing his forehead. "Daddy is upset. How about we go home? To my house. We can eat popcorn and watch movies!" You tried, desperately searching for a smile.

"O-okay," He whimpered, looking up. He stood up and lifted his arms in the air so that you could pick him up. You scooped him up and slung him over one of your hips. Then you grabbed Neymar's car keys off the countertop and your wallet and cellphone.

Then, painstakingly, you put Davi in his car seat and brushed the tears from your cheeks. Sometimes guys just had to fight it out, right? It was no big deal. Neymar would be fine. Oscar would be fine. Davi would be fine. You would be fine.

You took out your cellphone from your pocket and composed a text message to send to Neymar:

I took the car and Davi back to my house. Let me know when to pick you up and if you're okay. I love you.

Be Mine ~ A Neymar Jr. FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora